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A Global Checklist of Botanic Gardens and Arboreta
2018-07-12 | Author: |


Hongwen HUANG, Jingping LIAO and Vernon Heywood etc.

 Preamble: This checklist is a first step towards the preparation of new edition of the International Directory of Botanic Gardens by International Association of Botanic Gardens (IABG). To make sure that Directory is complete and accurate, we welcome feedback to the IABG Secretariat to correct any errors in this checklist. It has not been an easy task to compile this draft list and we apologise in advance for any omissions or mistakes. Please bear in mind that for inclusion, an institution should meet the basic criterion of being a botanic garden: i.e. maintaining documented and labelled collections of plants that are used for scientific research, horticultural research, conservation, education, outreach or any one or combination of these. A similar assessment was applied to arboreta, which are treated as botanic gardens for the purposes of this Checklist if they meet these same criteria.

       In 2014, IABG Council decided to produce an updated edition of the International Directory of the World Botanic Gardens, last edition having been published in 1990. A working group was organized by Professor JingPing Liao (South China Botanical Garden) and IABG secretary general Professor Hongwen HUANG under guidance of the former president Professor Vernon Heywood. The working group initially compiled a preliminary list of 3201 botanic gardens over the world from various sources. After checking and verifying each botanic garden from the initial list, mostly by website search, much outdated information has been corrected, resulting in a total of 933 botanic gardens names being eliminated because of incorrect names, duplications, closure or chang of status, inadequate address information, lack of function as a botanic gardens, etc. As a result there has been a substantial reduction in the total number of botanic gardens, to 2265.

The numbers of botanic gardens in Asian countries has been reduced from initial 674 to 496, in African reduced from 176 to 144, in Europe from 1016 to 812, in North America from 921 to 496, in South America from 229 to 173 and in Oceania from 185 to 144. A total of 933 botanic gardens have been deleted. This list has been sent for review to Dr. Tim Entwisle (Australia), Dr. Vernon Heywood (UK), Dr. Hongwen Huang (China), Dr. Michael Kiehn (Austria), Dr. Christopher Dunn (USA), Dr. William A. McNamara (USA), Dr. Ana María Molina (Argentina), Dr. Jin Murata (Japan), Dr. Yong-Shik Kim (Korea) and Dr. Christopher Willis (South Africa). Further revisions were made, resulting a finalized list of with a total of 131 botanic gardens in Africa, 499 in Asia, 678 in Europe, 506 in North America, 173 in South America and 131 in Oceania. The total number of botanic gardens in the world is further reduced down to 2122.  

This revised checklist also allows us to review regions of the world in more detail. 

In Africa, there are 131 botanic gardens in 41 countries or regions. African countries with the most number of botanic gardens are South Africa (22), Nigeria (18), the countries with only one botanic gardens are Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Congo, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Liberia, Namibia, Saint Helena, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Sudan and Zambia. However, 15 countries in Africa have none botanic gardens, including Azores (Portugal), Cote d'Ivoire/Ivory Coast, Madeira Islands (Portugal), Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti, Chad, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritania, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Swaziland, Comoros.

       In Asia, there are a total of 499 botanic gardens in 37 countries or regions. Asian countries with the most number of botanic gardens are China (162), India (90) and Japan (78), the countries with only one botanic garden are Bhutan, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Laos, Mongolia, North Korea, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates. There are a total of 11 countries or regions having none botanic garden, including Afghanistan, Syria, Bahrain, Lebanon, Brunei, Cambodia, Qatar, Cyprus, Maldives, Yemen and East Timor.

       In Europe, a total of 678 botanic gardens found in 41 countries. The European countries with the most number of botanic gardens are France (90), Italy (86), Germany (82) and Russia (60), but Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Gibraltar, Luxemburg, Malta and Monaco have only one botanic garden in each these countries. No botanic gardens are found in Faroe Islands (Denmark), Liechtenstein, Vatican, San Marino and Andorra.

       North America is a continent with the largest number of botanic gardens. A total of 506 botanic gardens distributed in 25 countries or regions. The United States has the most number of botanical gardens (363), followed by Canada (45) and Mexico (37). But only one botanic garden are found in small or Ireland countries, including Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Cayman Islands, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Haiti, Martinique, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. However, there are no botanic gardens in Greenland (Denmark) Saint Lucia, Antilles (Netherlands), Aruba (Netherlands), British Turks and Caicos Islands.

       In South America, there are a total of 173 botanic gardens in 18 countries or regions. Brazil, Argentina and Columbia have the most number of botanic gardens, with 46, 30 and 26 botanic gardens, respectively. But others such as Guadeloupe (French), Guyana, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, Suriname and Uruguay have only one botanic garden each.

       Australia has 122 botanic gardens of the total 102 botanic gardens in Oceania, followed by New Zealand with 10 botanic gardens. In addition, there are 1-3 botanic garden found in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.

       Europe (678), North America (506), Asia (499), South America (173), Africa (131) and Oceania (122) account 31.95%, 23.85%, 23.52%, 8.15%, 6.17% and 5.75%, respectively. The United States, China, and Australia have more than 100 botanic gardens within the countries. The top 10 counties have 56.6% (1282 out of 2265) of the total number of botanic gardens and arboreta in the world, including the United States, China, Australia, France, India, Italy, Germany, Japan, Russia and Canada.

       Those botanic gardens (and arboreta) registered as members of IABG will be marked soon. We encourage all institutions meeting the criteria above to join and participate in IABG.



Africa (非洲 131)

Algeria (阿尔及利亚)

ü Jardin Botanique de Universite d‘Alger( Botanical Garden of Algiers University)

ü Jardin Botanique du Hamma (Botanical Garden Hamma )

ü Jardin Botanique, L'Unite de Recherches sur les Zones Arides ( Botanical Garden of The Drylands Research Unit)

Angola (安哥拉)

ü Botanic Garden of Salazar and Floristic Reserve, Instituto de Investigacao Agronomica de Angola

Benin (贝宁)

ü Botanic Garden of Papatia

ü Jardin Botanique et Zoologique de l'Université d'Abomey-CalaviBotanical and Zoological Garden of the University of Abomey-Calavi

ü Jardin des Plantes et de la NatureGarden of Plants and Nature

Botswana (博茨瓦纳)

ü National Botanical Garden (Botswana)

Burkina Faso (布基纳法索)

ü Direction Generale des Eaux et ForetsDirectorate General of Waters and Forests

Burundi (布隆迪)

ü Jardin Botanique de l'Institut des Siences Agronomique du Burundi (Botanical Garden of Institute of Agronomic Sciences of Burundi)

ü Jardin Botanique de l'Universite du BurundiBotanical Garden of the University of Burundi

Cameroon (喀麦隆)

ü Bafut Botanic Garden

ü Limbe Botanic Garden

ü Yaounde Botanic Garden

Cape Verde (佛得角)

ü Jardim Botanico Nacional `L. Grandvaux Barbosa`( National Botanical Garden `L. Grandvaux Barbosa`)

Congo (刚果)

ü Centre d'Etude sur les Resources Vegetables(Study Center on Vegetable Resources)

Democratic Republic of the Congo (刚果金)

ü Jardin Botanique de Kinshasa (Botanical Garden of Kinshasa)

ü Jardin Botanique de Kisantu (Botanical Garden of Kisantu)

ü Jardin Zoologique et Botanique d‘Eala (Zoological and Botanical Garden of Eala)

Egypt (埃及)

ü Aswan Botanic Garden

ü Botanic Garden Botany Department, University of Alexandria Moharram Bey

ü El Saff Botanic Garden

ü Orman Botanic Garden

ü Qubba Botanic Garden

ü Shehab Mazhar Barageel Garden

ü Zohria Trial Gardens

Ethiopia (埃塞俄比亚)

ü Alemaya Arboretum

ü Botanic Garden of KCTEKotebe College of Teacher Education

ü Gullele Botanic Garden

ü Phytochemical Project Botanical Garden

ü Shashemene Botanic Garden

ü Wondo Genet College Arboretum

Gabon (加蓬)

ü Arboretum de Sibangu

Gambia (冈比亚)

ü Bakau Botanical Garden

Ghana (加纳)

ü Aburi Botanic Garden

ü Bunso Arboretum

ü Cape Coast University Botanic Garden

ü Legon Botanical Gardens

Guinea (几内亚)

ü Conakry Botanical Garden

Kenya (肯尼亚)

ü Brackenhurst Botanic Garden

ü Kaya Cum Arboretum

ü Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI)

ü Kitale Nature Reserve

ü Maseno University Botanic Garden

ü Moi University Botanic Garden

ü Multiplant International Medicinal Conservation

ü Nairobi Arboretum

ü National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi Botanic Garden

Lesotho (莱索托)

ü Botanical Garden of National University of Lesotho

ü Katse Botanic Garden

Liberia (利比里亚)

ü Monrovia Botanic Garden

Madagascar (马达加斯加)

ü Arboretum d‘Antsokay

ü Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza(Botanical and Zoological Garden of Tsimbazaza)

Malawi (马拉维)

ü Blantyre Synod Botanic Gardens

ü Lilongwe Botanic Garden

ü National Herbarium & Botanic Gardens of Malawi

Mauritius (毛里求斯)

ü Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanic Garden

ü SSR Botanical Garden of Curepipe

Morocco (摩洛哥)

ü Jardin Botanique de l'I.A.V. (Botanical Garden of I.A.V.)

ü Jardin Majorelle (Majorelle Garden)

ü Les Jardins Exotiques de Bouknadel (Exotic Gardens of Bouknadel)

Mozambique (莫桑比克)

ü Eduardo Mondlane University Botanical Garden

ü Instituto Nacional Investigacao Agronomica (INIA) Botanical Garden

ü Tunduru Botanical Garden

Namibia (纳米比亚)

ü National Botanic Garden of Namibia

Nigeria (尼日利亚)

ü Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Garden

ü Ahmadu Bello University Botanic Gardens

ü Botanical Garden of University of Lagos

ü Botanical garden of Usmanu Danfodiyo University

ü Calabar Botanic Garden and Conservation Centre

ü CPES Biological Garden of Federal University of Technology

ü Forest Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN) Medicinal and Herb Gardens

ü Kano Botanical Garden, Bayero University

ü Murtala Muhammed Memorial Garden

ü Nigeria Montane Forest Project

ü Nigeria Natural Medicine Development Agency (NNMDA) Medicinal/ Experimental Farm-Victoria Island

ü Sarius Palmetum and Botanical Garden

ü Shodex Botanic Garden

ü The University of Ibadan Botanical Gardens

ü University of Calabar Botanic Garden

ü University of Nigeria Botanical Garden

ü University of Port Harcourt Botanical Garden

Reunion Island (留尼汪岛)

ü Arboretum Office National des Forets

ü Botanic Garden "Jardin de l'Etat"

ü Conservatoire Botanique National de Mascarin

Rwanda (卢旺达)

ü Arboretum de Ruhande

ü Bukavu Arboretum

Saint Helena (圣赫勒拿)

ü Clifford Arboretum

Sao Tome and Principe (圣多美和普林西比)

ü Jardim Botanico do Bom Sucesso (Bom Sucesso Botanical Garden)

Senegal (塞内加尔)

ü Jardin Botanique de la Faculte des Sciences

ü Jardin d'Experimentation des Plantes Utiles (J.E.P.U.)

Seychelles (塞舌尔)

ü National Botanic Gardens Foundation

Sierra Leone (塞拉利昂)

ü Fourah Bay College Botanical Gardens

South Africa (南非)

ü Beechwood Gardens

ü Brenthurst Garden

ü Drakensberg Botanic Garden

ü Durban Botanic Gardens

ü Free State National Botanical Garden

ü Hantam National Botanical Garden

ü Harold Porter National Botanical Garden

ü Johannesburg Botanical Garden

ü Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden

ü Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden

ü KwaZulu-Natal National Botanical Garden

ü Kwelera National Botanical Garden

ü Lowveld National Botanical Garden

ü Makana Botanical Gardens

ü Manie van der Schijff Botanical Garden

ü North-West University Botanical Garden

ü Pretoria National Botanical Garden

ü Stellenbosch University Botanical Garden

ü The Garden Route Botanical Garden

ü Thohoyandou Botanical Garden

ü University of KwaZulu-Natal Botanical Garden

ü Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden

Sudan (苏丹)

ü Soba Arboertum Forest Research Institute

Tanzania (坦桑尼亚)

ü Amani Botanical Garden

ü Migombani Botanical Garden

Togo (多哥)

ü Division des Espaces Verts et des Jardins Botaniques(Division of Green Spaces and Botanical Gardens)

ü Jardin Botanique de Bayeme(Bayeme Botanical Garden)

ü Jardin Botanique de l'Universite du Benin (Botanical Garden of the University of Benin )

Tunisia (突尼斯)

ü Botanic Garden Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie (INRAT)

ü Jardin des Plantes de la Ville de Tunis (Garden of Plants of the City of Tunis)

ü Monastir Medicinal Botanic Garden

Uganda (乌干达)

ü Entebbe Botanic Gardens

ü Makerere University Botanical Garden

ü Nature Palace Botanical Gardens

ü Tooro Botanical Gardens

Zambia (赞比亚)

ü Munda Wanga Trust Botanical Garden

Zimbabwe (津巴布韦)

ü Ewanrigg Botanical Gardens

ü University of Zimbabwe Botanic Garden

Asia (亚洲,499)

Armenia (亚美尼亚)

ü Vanadzor Botanical Garden, National Academy of Sciences RA

ü Yerevan Botanical Garden, National Academy of Sciences RA

Azerbaijan (阿塞拜疆)

ü Central Botanical Garden, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

ü Institute of Dendrology, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Bangladesh (孟加拉共和国)

ü Baldha Garden

ü Bangladesh Agricultural University Botanic Garden

ü Dhaka University Botanic Garden

ü National Botanical Garden of Bangladesh

Bhutan (不丹)

ü Royal Botanical Garden, Serbithang

China (中国)

ü Anji Bamboo Garden

ü Arding Botanical Garden

ü Baoding Botanical Garden

ü Baoji Botanical Garden

ü Beijing Botanical Garden

ü Beijing Botanical Garden of Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Beijing Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Beijing Teaching Botanical Garden

ü Central China Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Central South Forestry University Arboretum

ü Changbaishan Botanical Garden

ü Changchun Forest Botanical Garden

ü Changchun Zoological and Botanical Garden

ü Chaozhou Botanical Garden

ü Chengdu Botanical Garden

ü Chenzhou Nanling Botanical Garden

ü Chiayi Botanical Garden

ü Chifeng Botanical Garden

ü China National Flower Garden

ü Chongchuan Botanical Garden

ü Chongqing Botanical Garden

ü Chongqing Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Chongqing Nanshan Botanical Garden

ü Chongqing University Botanical Garden

ü Dagangshan Arboretum

ü Dalian Botanical Garden

ü Dalian Yinggeshi Botanical Garden

ü Datong Botanical Garden

ü Dinghushan Arboretum, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Dongguan Botanical Garden

ü Donghu Moshan Botanical Garden

ü Emeishan Botanical Garden

ü Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University Teaching Botanical Garden

ü Fushan Botanical Garden

ü Fuzhou Botanical Garden

ü Gannan Arboretum

ü Gaobeidian Botanical Garden

ü Guangdong Pharmaceutical University Botanical Garden

ü Guangdong Tree Garden

ü Guangxi Academy of Forestry Arboretum

ü Guangxi Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Guangxi Shishan Arboretum

ü Guidong Botanical Garden

ü Guilin Botanical Garden of Guangxi Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Guiyang Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Guizhou Academy of Forestry Arboretum

ü Guizhou Botanical Garden

ü Guizhou Dongfeng Forest Station Arboretum

ü Guizhou Mid-Subtropical Rare and Endangered Botanical Garden

ü Hainan Fengmu Arboretum

ü Hainan Jianfengling Tropical Arboretum

ü Hainan Tropical Botanical Garden

ü Hainan Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden

ü Hainan Xinglong Tropical Garden

ü Hainan Xinglong Tropical Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Hangzhou Botanical Garden

ü Hangzhou Tianjing Aquatic Botanical Garden

ü Hefei Botanical Garden

ü Heilongjiang Forest Botanical Garden

ü Hengchun Tropical Botanical Garden

ü Hohhot Botanical Garden

ü Hong Kong Kadoorie Farm and Botanical Garden

ü Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Garden

ü Huangshan Arboretum

ü Hunan Forest Botanical Garden

ü Hunan Nanyue Arboretum

ü Inner Mongolia Academy of Forestry Arboretum

ü Institute of Applied Ecology Arboretum, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Jiaxing Botanical Garden

ü Jigongshan Botanical Garden

ü Jinan Botanical Garden

ü Jinhewan Wetland Botanical Garden

ü Jinsha Botanical Garden

ü Jixi Zoological and Botanical Garden

ü Kaohsiung Original Botanical Garden

ü Kowloon Shing Mun Arboretum

ü Kunming Arboretum, Yunnan Academy of Forestry

ü Kunming Botanical Garden of Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Kunming Forestry Botanical Garden

ü Lanzhou Arboretum

ü Lanzhou Botanical Garden

ü Lesser Khingan Botanical Garden

ü Liuzhou Karst Botanical Garden

ü Luoyang International Peony Garden

ü Luoyang National Peony Garden

ü Luoyang Sui-Tang Ruins Botanical Garden

ü Lushan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Macau Botanical Garden

ü Maiji Botanical Garden

ü Minqin Dezert Botanical Garden

ü Nanchang Botanical Garden, Jiangxi Academy of Forestry

ü Nanjing Botanical Garden Mem. Sun Yat-Sen, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Nanjing Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Nanning Arboretum

ü National Museum of Natural Science Botanical Garden

ü Neishuangsi Forest Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Ningbo Botanical Garden

ü Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University Arboretum

ü Qingdao Botanical Garden

ü Qingxiushan Forestry Botanical Garden

ü Qinling National Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Second Military Medical University Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Shaanxi Yulin Woyunshan Botanical Garden

ü Shandong Agricultural University Arboretum

ü Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Botanical Garden

ü Shandong Linyi Zoological and Botanical Garden

ü Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Shanghai Botanical Garden

ü Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Shangri-La Alpine Botanical Garden

ü Shanping Forest Ecological Science Park

ü Shenyang Botanical Garden

ü Shenyang Pharmaceutical University Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Shenyang Tree Specimens Garden

ü Shenzhen Fairylake Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Shijiazhuang Botanical Garden

ü Shuangsi Tropical Arboretum

ü Siaping Tropical Botanical Garden

ü South China Agricultural University Arboretum

ü South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü South Subtropical Botanical Garden

ü Taimali Coastal Botanical Garden

ü Taipei Botanical Garden

ü Taishan Institute of Forestry Science Forest Botanical Garden

ü Taitung Yuan Sen Applied Botanical Garden

ü Taiwan Alpine Botanical Garden

ü Taiyuan Botanical Garden

ü Tangshan Botanical Garden

ü Tazhong Desert Botanical Garden

ü Tongxiang Botanical Garden

ü Turpan Desert Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Urumqi Botanical Garden

ü Weifang Botanical Garden

ü Wenzhou Botanical Garden

ü West China Alpine Botanical Garden of Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Wutaishan Arboretum

ü Wuxi Taihu Ornamental Botanical Garden

ü Xiamen Botanical Garden

ü Xiamen Overseas Chinese Subtropical Plant Introduction Garden

ü Xi'an Botanical Garden

ü Xiangnan Botanical Garden

ü Xining Forestry Botanical Garden

ü Xinjiang Yili Longkun Botanical Garden

ü Xiongyue Arboretum

ü Xishuangbanna Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

ü Xishuangbanna Tropical Flower Garden

ü Xuzhou Botanical Garden

ü Yangzhou Botanical Garden

ü Yichang Three-Gorges Botanical Garden

ü Yinchuan Botanical Garden

ü Yulin Heilongtan Mountain Arboretum

ü Yulin Hongshixia Sandy Botanical Garden

ü Zhejiang Agricultural and Forestry University Botanical Garden

ü Zhejiang Bamboo Botanical Garden

ü Zhejiang University Botanical Garden

ü Zhengzhou Botanical Garden

ü Zhengzhou Yellow River Botanical Garden

ü Zhongshan Arboretum

ü Zhoushan Island Introduction and Domestication Botanical Garden

ü Zunyi Botanical Garden

Georgia (格鲁吉亚)

ü Bakuriani Alpine Botanical Garden

ü Batumi Botanical Garden

ü National Botanical Garden of Georgia

ü Sukhumi Botanical Garden

India (印度)

ü Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden

ü Aligarh Muslim University Botanic Garden

ü Arboretum at Manali

ü Auroville Botanical Gardens

ü Barapani Experimental Garden

ü Bhagalpur University Botanical Garden

ü Botanic Garden at Shillong

ü Botanic Garden at Tipi

ü Botanic Garden of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya

ü Botanic Garden of Indian Republic

ü Botanic Garden of the Central Drug Research Institute

ü Botanic Garden, Department of Botany

ü Botanical Garden (Motibang)

ü Botanical Garden Agra College

ü Botanical Garden, Bihar Agricultural College

ü Botanical Garden, Delhi University

ü Botanical Garden, Dr H. S. Gour Vishwavidyalaya

ü Botanical Garden, Forest Research Institute and College

ü Botanical Garden, Guru Nanak Dev University

ü Botanical Garden, Mumbai Institute of Sciences

ü Botanical Garden, NBPGR

ü Botanical Survey of India

ü Botany Garden at Dharwad

ü Burdwan University Botanic Garden

ü Calicut University Botanical Garden

ü Chessa Botanic Garden

ü Darjeeling Botanic Garden

ü Department of Botany and Botanic Garden, Banaras Hindu University

ü Department of Botany and Botanic Garden, Ravindra Bharti University

ü Department of Botany and Botanic Garden, University of Madras

ü Dept. of Bio-Sciences & Botanic Garden, University of Jammu

ü Dept. of Botany & Botanic Garden Guwahati University

ü Dept. of Botany & Botanic Garden University of Mysore

ü Dept. of Botany & Botanic Garden University of Rajasthan

ü Dept. of Botany & Botanic Garden, C.G. Vishwavidhalaya

ü Dept. of Botany & Botanic Garden, Faculty of Science, Hamdard University

ü Dept. of Life Sciences & Botanic Garden Manipur University

ü Desert Botanic Garden

ü Dharma Vana Arboretum

ü Empress Botanical Gardens

ü Experimental Botanical Gardens

ü Experimental Botanical Gardens Botanical Survey of India (Western Circle)

ü Experimental cum Botanic Garden

ü Experimental Garden Botanical Survey of India (Northern Circle)

ü Experimental Garden of Botanical Survey of India (Andaman-Nicobar)

ü Experimental Gardens Dehra Dun

ü Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions

ü Government Botanic Gardens at Trivandrum

ü Government Botanic Gardens Ootacamund

ü Gujarat University USSC Botanic Garden

ü Gurukula Botanical Sanctuary

ü Herbarium and Botanic Garden

ü Indian Botanical Garden

ü Indira Gandhi Memorial Botanical Garden

ü Institute of Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding

ü Jawaharlal Nehru Botanic Garden

ü Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute

ü Jiwaji University Charak Garden

ü Karnatak University Botanical Garden

ü Kerala University Botanic Garden

ü Kodaikanal Botanic Garden

ü Kulbhaskar Ashram Post Graduate Botanic Garden

ü Lalbagh Botanical Garden

ü Lloyd Botanic Garden

ü Madurai Kamraj University Botanic Garden

ü Magadh University Botanical Garden

ü Maharaja Sayajirao University Botanic Gardens,

ü Maharashtra Nature Park Society

ü Malabar Botanical Garden and Institue for Plant Sciences

ü Marathwada University Botanic Garden

ü Meerut University Botanical Garden

ü National Orchidarium and Botanic Garden

ü National Orchidarium and Experimental Garden

ü Panjab University Botanical Garden

ü Punjabi University Botanic Garden

ü Ravi Sankar University Botanical Garden

ü Rhododendron Arboretum

ü Roxburgh Botanic Garden

ü Sahyadri Botanical Garden

ü Satpuda Botanic Garden - College of Agriculture

ü Saurashtra University Experimental Garden

ü State Botanical Garden at Barang

ü The Botanical Garden Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra

ü The Kashmir University Botanical Garden (KUBG)

ü The Pondicherry Botanical Garden

ü University Botanic Garden at Coimbatore

ü University Botanical Garden at Surat

ü University of Poona Botanic Garden

ü Utkal University Botanic Garden

ü Vikram University Botanic Garden

Indonesia (印度尼西亚)

ü Bali Botanic Garden

ü Cibodas Botanic Gardens

ü Kebun Raya Indonesia

ü Purwodadi Botanic Garden

Iran (伊朗)

ü National Botanical Garden of Iran, Research Institute of Forests & Rangelands

ü University of Tehran Botanical Garden

Iraq (伊拉克)

ü Za'faraniyah Botanical Garden

Israel (以色列)

ü Arboretum Dpt. of Natural Resources

ü Botanic Garden of Tel Aviv University

ü Botanical Garden "Mikveh-Israel"

ü Dead Sea Ein Gedi Botanic Garden

ü Jerusalem Botanical Gardens

ü Neot Kdomim Biblical Garden

ü Palistinian Botanical Garden

ü The Mount Scopus Botanical Garden for the Native Plants of Israel

Japan (日本)

ü Amagasaki City Urban Greening Botanical Garden

ü Attached Facilities of Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hiroshima University

ü Botanic Garden, Field Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University

ü Botanic Gardens of Toyama

ü Botanical Gardens, Osaka City University

ü Botanical Gardens, Tohoku University

ü Btanical Gardens, Tokyo University of Agriculture

ü Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Art Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute  (FFPRI) Kyushu Research Center Exhibition Hall Arboretum

ü Fuji Bamboo Garden

ü Fukui Botanical Garden

ü Fukuoka City Botanical Garden

ü Gifu Pharmaceutical University Herb Garden

ü Hakodate Tropical Botanical Garden

ü Hakone Botanical Garden of Wetlands

ü Hakuba Goryu Alpine Botanical Garden

ü Handayama Botanical Garden

ü Hattori Ryokuchi Arboretum

ü Higashiyama Zoological and Botanical Gardens

ü Himeji Tegarayama Botanical Garden

ü Himi Seaside Botanical Garden

ü Hokkaido University School of Pharmacy affiliated Medicinal  Botanical Garden

ü Hoshi University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Ibaraki Botanical Garden

ü Jindai Botanical Gardens

ü Josai International University Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Kanagawa Prefectual Ofuna Botanical Garden

ü Kinjo Gakuin University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Kobe Municipal Arboretum

ü Koishikawa Botanical Garden, University of Tokyo

ü Kujukushima Zoological and Botanical Garden Morikirara

ü Kumamoto City Zoological And Botanical Gardens

ü Kusatsu Aquatic Botanical Garden

ü Kyoto Botanical Gardens

ü Kyoto Pharmaceutical University Affiliated Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden of Josai University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden of Kobe Pharmaceutical University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Setsunan University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokushima Bunri University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, Faculty of Pharmacy and

ü Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, Fculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, Hokuriku University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, Kanazawa University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, Kitasato University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, Meiji Pharmaceutical University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, Nihon Pharmaceutical University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, Osaka University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, School of Pharmacy, Nihon University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, School of Pharmacy, Showa University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, Showa Pharmaceutical University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, Sojo University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, The Naito Museum of Pharmaceutical Science

ü and Industry

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, Toho University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, Tohoku University

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, University of Hokkaido

ü Medicinal Botanical Garden, University of Shizuoka

ü Medicinal Botanicals Garden of Teikyo University

ü Medicinal Botanicals Garden, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences

ü Miyazaki Prefectural Aoshima Subtropical Botanical Garden

ü Mt. Hakkoda Botanical Garden, Tohoku University

ü Nagai Botanical Garden

ü Nagoya City University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Niigata Prefectural Botanical Garden

ü Nikko Botanical Garden, University of Tokyo

ü Ohu University Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden

ü Senganen Botanical Garden

ü Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Kyoto Medicinal Botanic Garden

ü The Hiroshima Botanical Garden

ü The Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden

ü The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences affiliated medicinal botanical garden

ü Tohoku Pharmaceutical University Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Tokyo Metropolitan Medicinal Botanical Garden

ü Tokyo Pharmaceutical University Medicinal Botanic Garden

ü Toyohashi Zoological and Botanical Garden

ü Tsukuba Botanical Garden

ü Yamashina Botanical Garden, Nippon Shinyaku Co., Ltd.

ü Yokohama Municipal Children’s Botanical Garden

ü Yukiguni Botanical Gardens

Jordan (约旦)

ü Royal Botanic Garden

Kazakhstan (哈萨克斯坦)

ü Altai Botanic Garden

ü Botanical Garden, Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction

ü Dzhezkazgan Botanical Garden

ü Mangyshlak Experimental Botanic Garden

Kuwait (科威特)

ü Kuwait Botanic Garden

Kyrgyzstan (吉尔吉斯斯坦)

ü Botanical Garden of the Kyrgyz National University of Balasagyn

ü Gareev Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences, Kyrgyzstan

Laos (老挝)

ü Pha Tad Ke Garden

Malaysia (马来西亚)

ü Forest Research Institute Malaysia

ü Kinabalu Park

ü National Botanical Garden (Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam)

ü Penang Botanic Gardens

ü Rimba Ilmu Botanic Garden

ü Sepilok Arboretum

ü Taman Botanical Putrajaya

ü Taman Kiara Arboretum

ü Tropical Spice Garden

Mongolia (蒙古)

ü Botanical Gardens

Myanmar (缅甸)

ü National Kandawgyi Garden (Pyin Oo Lwin Botanical gardens)

ü Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division

Nepal (尼泊尔)

ü Center For Environment Education Nepal

ü National Botanical Gardens

North Korea (朝鲜)

ü Pyongyang Central Botanical Gardens

Oman (阿曼)

ü Natural History Botanic Garden

ü Oman Botanic Garden

ü Sultan Qaboos University Botanic Garden

Pakistan (巴基斯坦)

ü Abdul Wali Khan University Botanical Garden

ü Bagh-e-Jinnah, Lahore/Lawrence Gardens

ü Botanic Garden of University of Balochistan

ü Botanical Gardens Punjab University

ü Botanical Gardens University of Agriculture

ü Danishmandan Botanic Garden

ü Government College University Lahore, Botanic Garden

ü Herbarium and Botanical Garden, Shah Abdul Latif University

ü Karachi University Botanic Garden

ü Latif Herbarium and Botanical Garden

ü Pakistan Forest Institute Botanical Garden

ü Quaid-i-Azam University Botanical Garden

ü Shah Abdul Latif Herbarium and Botanical Garden

ü Sukh Chayn Gardens

ü Swat University Botanic Garden

ü University of Peshawar Botanical Garden

Palestine (巴勒斯坦)

ü Al Quds University Botanic Garden

Philippines (菲律宾)

ü Arboretum of the University of the Philippines

ü La Union Botanical Garden

ü Makiling Botanic Gardens

ü Northwestern University Ecotourism Park and Botanic Gardens

ü Philippine National Botanic Garden

ü Siit Arboretum Botanical Garden

ü The Hortorium Museum of Natural History

ü University of Santo Tomas Botanical Garden

Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯)

ü King Saud University Botanic Garden

Singapore (新加坡)

ü Gardens by the Bay

ü Singapore Botanic Gardens

South Korea (韩国)

ü Anmyeondo Arboretum

ü Asan Flower Botanical Garden

ü Bucheon Botanical Garden

ü Chollipo Arboretum

ü Deagu Arboretum

ü Gangwon Provincial Arboretum

ü Gayasan Wildflower Botanical Garden

ü Geumgang Park Botanic Garden

ü Gyeongsangbuk-do Arboretum

ü Gyeongsangnam-do Arboretum

ü Halla Arboretum

ü Hanbat Arboretum

ü Hantaek Botanic Garden

ü Hong-reung Arboretum

ü Hwanghaksan Arboretum

ü Incheon Arboretum

ü Jade Garden Natural Arboretum

ü Jagulsan Healing Arboretum

ü Jangheung Naturalk Arboretum

ü Jeonbuk Daea Arboretum

ü Kee-chung-san Botanic Garden

ü Keum Kang Arboretum

ü Konjiam Resort Arboretum

ü Korea Botanic Garden

ü Korea Expressway Corporation Arboretum

ü Korea National Arboretum

ü Kumkang Botanic Garden

ü Kwanak Arboretum of Seoul National University

ü Midongsan Arboretum

ü Mulhyanggi Arboretum

ü Pyunggang Botanical Garden

ü Samsung Everland Botanic Garden

ü Sandulsori Arboretum

ü Sanghyo Botanical Garden

ü Seoul Zoo Grand Park Botanical Gardens

ü Shingu Botanic Garden

ü Songsan Arboretum

ü Spirited (Bonsai) Garden

ü Ulsan Theme Botanic Gardens & Arboretum

ü Wando-Arboretum

ü Wild Arboretum Khotmujipulmuji

ü Wild Flower Botanical Garden

ü Yeomiji Botanical Garden

ü Yumyeong-san Botanical Garden

Sri Lanka (斯里兰卡)

ü Botanic Gardens Hakgala

ü Dambulla Arboretum

ü Dry zone Boatnic Gardens, Mirijjawila

ü Gampaha Botanic Gardens

ü Henarathgoda Botanic Gardens, Gampaha

ü Medicinal Plant Garden, Ganewatta

ü Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya

ü Seethawaka Wet zone Botanic Gardens, Awissawella

Tajikistan (塔吉克斯坦)

ü Central Botanic Garden of Academy of Sciences of Tadjikistan

ü Khorog Botanic Garden

ü Tadzhikistan State University Botanic Garden

Thailand (泰国)

ü Eastern (Khao Hin Son) Botanical Garden

ü Huay Kaew Arboretum

ü Khao Chong Botanical Garden

ü Khao Hin Son Botanical Gardens

ü Kuan Khao Wang Literature Botanical Gardens

ü Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Garden

ü Peninsular (Thung Khai) Botanic Garden

ü Phuket Botanic Gardens

ü Phuket Botanical Gardens

ü Queen Sirikit (Mae Sa) Botanic Garden

ü Rajabhat University Botanical Garden

ü Southern Border Botanical Gardens

ü Thung Khai Botanical Gardens

ü Wang Nam Yen Botanical Gardens

Turkey (土耳其)

ü Aegean University Botanical Garden & Herbarium Research and Application Center

ü Ataturk Arboretum

ü ?ukurova University Botanic Garden

ü Gaziantep Botanic Garden

ü Istanbul Universitesi Botanical Garden

ü Karaca Arboretum

ü Nezahat Gokyigit Botanik Bahcesi

ü Suleyman Demirel University Botanical Garden

Turkmenistan (土库曼斯坦)

ü Central Botanic Garden

United Arab Emirates (阿联酋)

ü Sharjah Botanical Gardens

Uzbekistan (乌兹别克斯坦)

ü Botanical Garden Complex, Institute of Natural Sciences

ü Scientific Plant Production Centre "Botanica", Uzbek Academy of Sciences

Viet Nam (越南)

ü Botanical Garden of Saigon

ü Cuc Phuong Botanic Garden (Cuc Phuong National Park)

ü Hanoi Botanic Garden

ü Tam Dao Botanic Garden

Europe (欧洲,678)

Albania (阿尔巴尼亚)

ü P?r Kopshtin Botanik i Tiran?s (KB)

Austria (奥地利)

ü Agrarium Botanical Gardens & Adventure Park

ü Alpengarten Villacher Alpe

ü Arche Noah

ü Botanical Garden and Alpine Garden Mt.Patscherkofel, University of Innsbruck

ü Botanical Garden of the Carinthian Botanic Center (Landesmuseum K?rnten)

ü Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna (Hortus Botanicus Vindobonensis - HBV)

ü Botanische Sammlungen der Republik ?sterreich (Botanical Collections of the Republic of Austria)

ü Botanischer Garten der Universitat Salzburg

ü Botanischer Garten und Arboretum der Stadt Linz (Botanischer Garten der Stadt Linz)

ü Botanischer Garten, Universit?t für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU)

ü Botanischer Garten, Universitat Graz

ü Botanischer Garten, Veterinarmedizinische Universitat

ü ?kopark, Biologiezentrum des O? Landesmuseums

Belarus (白俄罗斯)

ü Belarusian State University Botanical Garden

ü Byelorussian Agricultural Academy Botanical Garden

ü State Scientific Institution Central Botanical Garden

ü The Botanical Garden of the Pedagogical Institute-Vitebsk

Belgium (比利时)

ü Antwerp Botanic Garden

ü Arboretum Groenendaal

ü Arboretum Provinciaal Domein Het Leen

ü Arboretum Robert Lenoir

ü Arboretum Waasland

ü Arboretum Wespelaar

ü Bokrijk Arboretum

ü Botanic Garden Meise (National Botanic Garden of Belgium)

ü Geografisch Arboretum Tervuren

ü Ghent University Botanic Garden

ü Hof ter Saksen Arboretum

ü Jardin Botanique de l’Université de Liege

ü Jardin Botanique Jean Massart

ü Jardin des Plantes Medicinales

ü Kalmthout Arboretum

ü Leuven Botanic Garden

Bosnia and Herzegovina (波黑共和国 )

ü Sarajevo Botanical Garden (Botanicki vrt Zemaljskog muzeja BiH Sarajevo)

Bulgaria (保加利亚)

ü Botanical Garden Balcik

ü University Botanic Gardens

Croatia (克罗地亚)

ü Arboretum Lisi?ine

ü Arboretum Opeka

ü Botanical Garden of the University of Zagreb

ü Koti?ina Botanical Garden

ü Lokrum Botanical Garden

ü Ostrog School Botanic Garden

ü Trsteno Arboretum

ü Velebit Botanic Garden

Czech Republic (捷克)

ü Arboretum Bílá Lhota

ü Arboretum Novy Dv?r

ü Arboretum Sofronka Plzen

ü Arboretum St?ední lesnické ?koly v Hranicích

ü Botanical Garden Liberec

ü Botanické zahrada Teplice

ü Brno University of Vetinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Botanic Garden

ü Charles University Pharmacy Faculty, Garden of Medicinal Plants

ü Charles University Science Faculty Botanic Garden (Botanicka zahrada University Karlovy)

ü Dendrologická zahrada Pr?honice

ü Flora Olomouc

ü Masaryk University Centrum lé?ivych rostlin

ü Mendel University (Brno) Botanical Gardens and Arboretum

ü Palacky University Botanic Garden

ü Prague Botanic Garden/Botanicka Zahrada Praha

ü P?írodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity Botanická Zahrada

Denmark (丹麦)

ü Arboretum Paludosum

ü Forstbotanisk Have (Forest Botanic Garden)

ü Guldborgsund zoo & Botanisk Have

ü University of Aarhus Botanical Garden

ü University of Copenhagen Arboretet i H?rsholm

ü University of Copenhagen Botanisk Have

ü University of Copenhagen Horticultural Gardens

Estonia (爱沙尼亚)

ü Tallinn Botanic Garden

ü University of Tartu Botanical Garden

Finland (芬兰)

ü Arboretum Mustila

ü Botania at Joensuu

ü International Forest Line Arboretum

ü University of Eastern Finland Common Garden

ü University of Helsinki Botanic Garden

ü University of Jyvaskyla Botanic Garden

ü University of Oulu Botanical Gardens and Museum

ü University of Turku Botanical Garden

France (法国)

ü Arboretum “Les Sentiers des Arbres”

ü Arboretum d’Amance

ü Arboretum de la Vallee-aux-Loups

ü Arboretum de l'école du Breuil

ü Arboretum de Pezanin

ü Arboretum de Ripaille

ü Arboretum des Grands-Murcins

ü Arboretum du Poerop

ü Arboretum Marcel Kroenlein

ü Arboretum National des Barres

ü Centre Botanique de la Presle

ü Centre Regional de Phytosociologie

ü Conservatoire Botanique National Alpin de Gap-Charance

ü Conservatoire Botanique National du Bassin parisien

ü Conservatoire Botanique National du Brest

ü Conservatoire Botanique National du Massif-Central

ü Conservatoire Botanique National méditerranéen de Porquerolles

ü Conservatoire Botanique Pierre Fabre

ü Conservatoire Botanique Pyreneen (Conservatoire botanique national Midi-Pyrénées)

ü Conservatoire du Begonia

ü Conservatoire et Jardins Botaniques de Nancy

ü Conservatoire Ethnologique de Haute-Provence

ü Conservatoire Genetique des Arbres Forestiers USC ONF-INRA

ü Conservatoire National des Plantes à Parfum,  medicinales, aromatiques et industrielles (CNPMAI)

ü Conservatoire National du Pélargonium

ü Espace Pierres Folles

ü Harmas de Fabre

ü Jardin alpin du Lautaret

ü Jardin Botanique Alpin Chanousia

ü Jardin Botanique Alpin Daniella

ü Jardin Botanique Alpin de la Ja?sinia

ü Jardin Botanique de Bordeaux

ü Jardin Botanique de l’Arquebuse de Dijon

ü Jardin Botanique de l’Université de Rennes

ü Jardin Botanique de l’Université de Strasbourg

ü Jardin Botanique de la Faculté de Pharmacie (Université Angers)

ü Jardin Botanique de la Faculte de Pharmacie de Paris

ü Jardin Botanique de la Faculté des Sciences Pharmaceutiques

ü Jardin Botanique de la Ville de Clermont-Ferrand

ü Jardin Botanique de la Ville de Limoges

ü Jardin Botanique de la Ville de Lyon

ü Jardin Botanique de la Ville de Metz

ü Jardin Botanique de la Ville de Nice

ü Jardin botanique de la Ville de Paris

ü Jardin Botanique de la Ville de Rennes

ü Jardin Botanique de la Ville de Rouen

ü Jardin Botanique de la Ville et de l’Université de Besancon

ü Jardin Botanique de la Ville et de l’Université de Tours

ü Jardin Botanique de la Ville et de l'Université de Caen

ü Jardin Botanique de le Villa Thuret

ü Jardin Botanique de l'Ecole Veterinaire d'Alfort

ü Jardin Botanique de l'Institut National

ü Jardin Botanique de Marnay sur Seine

ü Jardin Botanique de Plantes Carnivores

ü Jardin Botanique de Talence

ü Jardin Botanique des Olfacties

ü Jardin Botanique des Plantes Medicinales et Aromatiques

ü Jardin Botanique des Pyrenees-Occidentales

ü Jardin Botanique du Col de Saverne

ü Jardin Botanique du Tourmalet

ü Jardin Botanique et Arboretum Henri Gaussen

ü Jardin Botanique Exotique “Val Rahmeh”

ü Jardin Botanique Faculte de Medecine et Pharmacie

ü Jardin botanique Floralpina

ü Jardin Botanique Les Cèdres

ü Jardin Botanique Montagnard

ü Jardin Botanique Paul Jovet

ü Jardin Botanique Universitaire-Domaine du Deffend

ü Jardin Botanique Yves Rocher

ü Jardin d‘Altitude du Haut-Chitelet

ü Jardin d’Oiseaux Tropicaux

ü Jardin de l’Etat

ü Jardin des Plantes de Lille

ü Jardin des Plantes de Nantes

ü Jardin des Plantes de Paris et Arboretum de Chevreloup

ü Jardin des Plantes of Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

ü Jardin des Serres d’Auteuil

ü Jardin Géo-botanique

ü Jardins Botanique E.-M.-Heckel

ü Jardins de l’Abbaye de Daoulas

ü Jardins des Plantes de l‘Université Montpellier

ü Le Jardin des Causses

ü Les Jardins de Valloires

ü Les Jardins Suspendus

ü Les Jardins Traditionnels du Cap Corse

ü Parc Floral de Paris

ü Parc Zoologique et Botanique de la Ville de Mulhouse

ü Serres de l’Université de Bourgogne

ü Serres Pédagogiques et Jardin Botanique de Tourcoing

ü Universite Paris-Sud-Parc Botanique de Launay

Germany (德国)

ü Arboretum Freiburg-Guenterstal

ü Arboretum Lohbruegge der Bundesanstalt

ü Arktisch-Alpiner Pflanzengarten und Alpine Staudeng?rtnerei

ü Arzneipflanzengarten des Institutes fuer Pharmazeutische Biologie der TU Braunschweig

ü Biozentrum Klein Flottbek und Botanischer Garten

ü Blumeninsel Mainau GmbH

ü Botanical Garden in Bad Langensalza

ü Botanical Garden University of Duesseldorf

ü Botanische G?rten der Universit?t Bonn

ü Botanischer Garten Baden-Baden (Dahliengarten)

ü Botanischer Garten der Carl von Ossietzky-Universitat Oldenburg

ü Botanischer Garten der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet

ü Botanischer Garten der Johannes Gutenberg-Universit?t Mainz

ü Botanischer Garten der Justus-Liebig Universit?t Giessen

ü Botanischer Garten der Martin-Luther-Universitat

ü Botanischer Garten der Philipps-Universit?t Marburg

ü Botanischer Garten der Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum

ü Botanischer Garten der Stadt Altenburger

ü Botanischer Garten der Stadt Bielefeld

ü Botanischer Garten der Stadt Chemnitz

ü Botanischer Garten der Stadt Duisburg (Garden I)

ü Botanischer Garten der Stadt Frankfurt am Main

ü Botanischer Garten der Stadt Kassel

ü Botanischer Garten der Stadt Krefeld

ü Botanischer Garten der Stadt M?nchengladbach

ü Botanischer Garten der Stadt Solingen

ü Botanischer Garten der Stadt Wuppertal

ü Botanischer Garten der tadt Hof im Stadtpark Theresienstein

ü Botanischer Garten der Technischen Hochschule

ü Botanischer Garten der Technischen Universitaet Darmstadt

ü Botanischer Garten der Technischen Universitaet Dresden

ü Botanischer Garten der Technischen Universit?t

ü Botanischer Garten der Universitaet

ü Botanischer Garten der Universitat

ü Botanischer Garten der Universitat Erlangen - Nurnberg

ü Botanischer Garten der Universit?t Freiburg

ü Botanischer Garten der Universitat Gottingen

ü Botanischer Garten der Universit?t Heidelberg

ü Botanischer Garten der Universitat Karlsruhe (TH)

ü Botanischer Garten der Universitat Kiel

ü Botanischer Garten der Universitat Konstanz

ü Botanischer Garten der Universitat Leipzig

ü Botanischer Garten der Universitat Osnabruck

ü Botanischer Garten der Universitat Potsdam

ü Botanischer Garten der Universit?t Rostock

ü Botanischer Garten der Universitat Tubingen

ü Botanischer Garten der Universit?t Ulm

ü Botanischer Garten DER WWU

ü Botanischer Garten des Nationalparkes Bayrischer Wald

ü Botanischer Garten Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitat

ü Botanischer Garten fue Gebirgsflora

ü Botanischer Garten fur Arznei-und-Gewurpflanzen

ü Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg

ü Botanischer Garten Rombergpark und Deutsches

ü Botanischer Garten Schellerhau

ü Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem

ü Botanischer Garten und Rhododendron-Park

ü Botanischer Lehr-und Schaugarten

ü Botanischer Schulgarten Burg Schulbiologiezentrum

ü Botanischer Sondergarten

ü Botanischer Versuchs-und Lehrgarten

ü Brockengarden

ü Europa-Rosarium der Stadt Sangerhausen

ü Forstbotanischer Garten der Technischen Universitaet Dresden

ü Forstbotanischer Garten Eberswalde

ü Forstbotanischer Garten und Arboretum

ü Forstbotanischer Garten-Stadt Koeln

ü Freundeskreis Botanischer Garten Aaxhen e.V.

ü Gewachshaus fur tropische Nutzpflanzen

ü Grugapark und Botanischer Garten der Stadt Essen

ü Gruson-Gewaechshaeuser Magdeburg Exotische Pflanzensammlung

ü Hessische Landesanstalt fur Forsteinrichtung

ü Hohenheimer G?rten

ü Kurpark Bad Bellingen

ü Museum fuer Naturkunde Botanischer Garten

ü Neuer Botanischer Garten der Universit?t G?ttingen

ü Oekologisch-Botanischer Garten Universitaet Bayreuth

ü Palmengarten der Stadt Frankfurt am Main

ü Pflanzengarten

ü Schau- und Sichtungsgarten

ü Sp?th-Arboretum der Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin (Sp?th Arboretum of the Humboldt University of Berlin)

ü Staatliche Schlosser und Garten Worlitz (State castles and gardens Worlitz)

Gibraltar (直布罗陀)

ü Gibraltar Botanic Gardens

Greece (希腊)

ü Botanic Garden of Athens University

ü Botanic Garden of Stavroupoli

ü Cephalonia Botanica

ü Forest Botanic Garden

ü Hippocrates Botanical Garden of Kos

ü Julia & Alexander N. Diomedes Botanic Garden

ü National Garden

ü Philodassiki Botanic Garden

ü The Balkan Botanic Garden at Kroussia Mountains

Hungary (匈牙利)

ü Alcsúti Arboretum

ü Arboretum of Sárvár

ü Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden

ü Corvinus Egyetem, Budai Arboretum (Corvinus University, Budai Arboretum)

ü Diószegi Sámuel Botanic Garden

ü E?tv?s Loránd University Botanic Garden

ü Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Botanic Garden

ü Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Botanikus Kert (University of Pécs, Botanic Garden)

ü Soroksári Botanikus Kert

ü Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Füvészkert (University of Szeged Botanic Garden)

ü University of Debrecen, Botanic Garden

ü University of West Hungary, Botanic Garden

Iceland (冰岛)

ü Hortus Botanicus Reykjavikensis

ü Lystigardur Akureyrar (Public Park and Botanic Garden)

Ireland (爱尔兰)

ü Mount Congreve

ü Mount Usher Gardens

ü National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin

ü National Botanic Gardens, Kilmacurragh

ü Talbot Botanic Garden

ü The John F. Kennedy Arboretum

ü Trinity College Botanic Garden

Italy (意大利)

ü “Michele Tenore” Botanical Garden

ü Alpine Botanical Garden “Castel Savoia”

ü Alpine Botanical Garden “Esperia”

ü Alpine Botanical Garden “Giangio Lorenzoni”

ü Alpine Botanical Garden “Rezia”

ü Alpine Botanical Garden “Saussurea”

ü Alpine Botanical Garden of Campo Imperatore (Giardino botanico alpino di Campo Imperatore)

ü Alpine Garden Antonio Segni

ü Arboreti di Vallombrosa (Vallombrosa arboretum)

ü Arboreto di Arco-Parco Arciducale (Arboretum of Arco-Arciducal Park)

ü Arboreto Mediterraneo del Limbara (Mediterranean Forest of the Limbara)

ü Arboretum Appenninicum dell’Universita di Camerino (Appenninicum Arboretum of the University of Camerino)

ü Botanic Garden Nuova Gussone

ü Botanical Garden “Caplez”

ü Botanical Garden at the Sorgenti del Cavuto

ü Botanical Garden Clelia Durazzo Grimaldi

ü Botanical Garden Friuli “Cormor”

ü Botanical Garden of Rome

ü Carsiana Giardino Botanico-Botani?ni Vrt (Carsiana Giardino Botanico-Botanical Garden)

ü Civico Orto Botanico (Civic Botanical Garden)

ü Civico Orto Botanico “Ulisse Aldrovandi” (Civic Botanical Garden “Ulisse Aldrovandi”)

ü Giardino Botanico Alpino di Campo Imperatore “Vincenzo Rivera”

ü Giardino botanico delle Alpi Orientali

ü Giardino Botanico literaneo di Porto Caleri

ü Giardino Botanico montano di Pratorondanino

ü Giardino Botanico Tropicale dell’Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare

ü Giardino Botanico Valderia

ü Giardino Botanio del Civico Musea di Scienza naturali

ü Giardino della flora dell` Appennino romagnolo "Valbonella"

ü Giardino delle orchidee spontanee del Mediterraneo

ü Giardino di Flora Appenninica

ü Giardino Montano dell` Orecchiella

ü Giardino Officinale

ü Giaridno Botanico Alpino di Pietra Corva

ü Giordana Botanico Della Majella “M. Tenore”

ü Il Giardino Botanico Alpino “San Marco”

ü Il Giardino delle Erbe di Casola Valsenio

ü Istituto di Botanica dell'Universita di Sassari

ü Istituto di Botanica e Orto Botanico

ü Istituto e Orto Botanico Universita di Parma

ü Minerva’s Garden

ü Oropa Botanical Garden

ü Orto Botanico "G.E. Ghirardi"

ü Orto Botanico "Pania di Corfino"

ü Orto Botanico “Pietro Castelli” dell’Università di Messina

ü Orto Botanico Città Studi-Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di BioScienze

ü Orto Botanico Comunale di Lucca

ü Orto Botanico dei Frignoli

ü Orto Botanico del Monte Baldo

ü Orto Botanico dell’Univerita della Tuscia

ü Orto Botanico dell’Università della Calabria

ü Orto Botanico dell’Università di Bari (Orto Botanico di Bari)

ü Orto Botanico dell’Università di Bologna

ü Orto Botanico dell’Università di Cagliari

ü Orto Botanico dell’Università di Catania (Hortus Botanicus Catinensis)

ü Orto Botanico dell’Università di Ferrara

ü Orto Botanico dell’Università di Genova

ü Orto Botanico dell’Università di Lecce

ü Orto Botanico dell’Università di Palermo

ü Orto Botanico dell’Università di Siena

ü Orto Botanico della Facolta di Agraria dell`Universita di Napoli

ü Orto Botanico delle Alpi Apuane “Pietro Pellegrini”

ü Orto Botanico dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Orto Botanico di Modena)

ü Orto Botanico di Bergamo "Lorenzo Rota"

ü Orto Botanico di Brera, Università degli Studi di Milano

ü Orto Botanico di Firenze (Giardino dei Semplici)

ü Orto Botanico di Napoli (Research Center of University of Study Federico II)

ü Orto Botanico di Perugia (Orto Botanico dell'Università di Perugia)

ü Orto Botanico Forestale dell'Abetone.

ü Orto Botanico Friulano

ü Orto Botanico Hanbury

ü Orto Botanico Università di Padova

ü Orto Botanico Università di Pavia

ü Orto Botanico Università di Pisa

ü Orto dei semplici elbano

ü Paradisia Alpine Botanic Garden

ü REA Hortus Tranensis/Giardino Botanico Rea

ü The Alpine Botanical Gardens

ü The botanic alpine garden of Pietra Corva

ü The Botanical Garden dell’Isola Bella

ü The Botanical Garden dell’Isola Madre

ü The Botanical Garden dell’Rocca D’angera

ü The Botanical Garden e Arboreto Appenninico del Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo

ü The Botanical Gardens of Villa Taranto

ü The Chanousia Alpine Botanical Garden

ü Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”-Istituto di Botanica e Orto Botanico

ü Viote Alpine Botanical Garden

Latvia (拉脱维亚)

ü Botanical Garden of the University of Latvia

ü National Botanic Garden of Latvia

Lithuania (立陶宛)

ü Botanical Garden of Klaipeda University

ü Botanical Garden of Vilnius University

ü Dubrava Arboretum

ü Kaunas Botanical Garden

ü Siauliai University Botanic Garden

Luxembourg (卢森堡)

ü Arboretum Kirchberg

Macedonia (马其顿)

ü Arboretum Opeka

ü Arboretum Trubarevo

ü Botanic Garden of the Biological Institute

ü City Arboretum “Gorica”

ü City Botanical Garden, Skopje

ü Kavadarci Forestry School Botanical Garden

ü St. Cyril and Methodius University Botanic Garden

Malta (马耳他)

ü Argotti Botanic Gardens and Resource Center

Moldova (摩尔多瓦)

ü Arboretum NPO, Kishinev

ü Botanical Garden Institute, Academy of Sciences of Moldova

ü Parcul “Dendriu”

Monaco (摩纳哥)

ü Jardin Exotique de Monaco

Netherlands (荷兰)

ü Arboretum “Poort-Bulten”

ü Arboretum Belmonte

ü Arboretum Eenrum

ü Arboretum Schovenhorst

ü Beemster Arboretum

ü Botanic Garden, Delft University of Technology

ü Botanical Garden “Dr. Costerus”

ü Botanische Tuin Elsloo

ü Botanische Tuin Groningen “Domies Toen”

ü Dutch Open Air Museum / Nederlands Openluchtmuseum

ü Historische Tuin Aalsmeer

ü Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam

ü Hortus Botanicus Haren

ü Hortus Botanicus Leiden

ü Hortus Botanicus Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

ü Hortus Bulborum

ü Oranjerie De Groene Parel

ü Paleis Het Loo Nationaal Museum

ü Pinetum Blijdenstein

ü Rosarium Westbroekpark

ü Rotterdam Zoological and Botanical Gardens

ü Stichting Arboretum Oudenbosch

ü Stichting Botanische Tuin Kerkrade

ü Stichting Botanische Tuin van Steyl Jochum-Hof

ü Stichting Nationale Bloementoonstelling Keukenhof

ü Stichting Passiflorahoeve

ü Stichting Pinetum de Belten

ü Stichting Pinetum Ter Borgh

ü Trompenburg Gardens & Arboretum

ü Utrecht University Botanic Gardens

ü Von Gimborn Arboretum, Utrecht University Botanic Gardens

Netherlands Antilles (荷属安的列斯群岛)

ü Miriam C. Schmidt Botanical Garden

Norway (挪威)

ü Agder Botanical Garden

ü Arboretum and Botanic Garden, University of Bergen

ü Kongsvoll Alpine Garden, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Museum of Natural History

ü Ringve Botanical Garden

ü Troms? Arctic-Alpine Garden

ü University of Oslo Botanical Garden

Poland (波兰)

ü Adam Mickiewicz University Botanical Garden in Poznań

ü Arboretum Bramy Morawskiej w Raciborzu

ü Arboretum Glinna

ü Arboretum I Zak?ad Fizjografii w BolestraszyceArboretum and Department of Physiography in Bolestraszyce

ü Arboretum w Przelewicach

ü Arboretum Wojslawice

ü Arboretum Wy?szej Szko?y Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczej w Sandomierzu

ü Botanic Garden of the Jagiellonian University

ü Forest Arboretum of Forest District Kudypy

ü Garden of Medicinal Plants, Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences

ü Go?ubieński Ogród Botaniczny

ü Katedra i Zaklad Roslin Leczniczych

ü Kornik Arboretum

ü Ogrod Botaniczny Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roslin

ü Ogród Botaniczny Le?nego Parku Kultury i Wypoczynku

ü Ogród Botaniczny Uniwersytetu im. Marii Curie-Sk?odowskiej

ü Ogród Botaniczny Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego

ü Ogród Dendrologiczny i Gospodarstwo Szkó?karskie Wirty, Nadle?nictwo Kaliska

ü Ogród Roslin Leczniczych

ü Ogród Roslin Leczniczych Instytutu Roslin i Przetworów Zielarskich

ü Polska Akademia Nauk Ogród Botaniczny

ü Rogów Arboretum of Warsaw University of Life Sciences

ü ?l?ski Ogród Botaniczny (Silesian Botanical Garden)

ü University of Warsaw Botanic Garden

Portugal (葡萄牙)

ü Jardim Botanico Casa da Cerca

ü Jardim Botanico da Ajuda, Lisbon

ü Jardim Botanico da Madeira, Funchal

ü Jardim Botanico da Universidade de Coimbra

ü Jardim Botanico da Universidade de Lisboa

ü Jardim Botanico da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real

ü Jardim Botanico da Universidade do Porto

ü Jardim Botanico do Faial, A?ores

ü Jardim Botanico Tropical, Lisbon

ü Jardim Jose do Canto, A?ores

ü Parque Botanico da Tapada da Ajuda, Lisbon

Romania (罗马尼亚)

ü Arboretumul Simeria

ü Gr?dina Agrobotanica din Cluj-Napoca

ü Gr?dina Botanic? “Alexandru Borza” a Universitatii din Cluj-Napoca

ü Gr?dina Botanic? “Dimitrie Brandz?”a Universitatii din Bucure?ti

ü Gr?dina Botanic? “Vasile Fati”, Jibou

ü Gr?dina Botanic? a `Anastasie Fatu`, Ia?i

ü Gr?dina botanic? a Complexului Muzeal de Stiintele Naturii din Galati

ü Gr?dina Botanic? a Universitatii din Craiova

ü Gr?din? Botanic? a Univsersitatii "Ovidius" din Constan?a

ü Gr?dina Botanic? T?rgu Mures

ü Gr?dina Botanic? Universitara "Alexandru Buia" din Craiova

ü Gr?dina Botanic? Universitar? “Pavel Covaci” Macea a Universit??ii de Vest ?Vasile Goldi?” din Arad

ü Parcul dendrologic Hemeiu?/Arboretum Hemeiu?-Bac?u

Russia (俄罗斯)

ü All Russian N.I. Vavilov Research Institute Botanic Garden

ü Altai State University South-Siberian Botanic Garden/Алтайский государственный университет

ü Amur Botanical Garden/Амурский ботанический сад

ü Arboretum of Pereslavi

ü Avrorin's Polar & Alpine Botanical Garden & Institute

ü Botanic Garden of Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ü Botanic Garden of Kazan State University

ü Botanic Garden of Petrozavodsk State University

ü Botanic Garden of Scientific-Production Unity

ü Botanic Garden of St. Petersburg Forestry Academy/Ботанический сад Санкт-Петербургской лесотехни

ü Botanic Garden of Syktyvkar State University

ü Botanic Garden of the Solovki History Architecture Museum Reservation

ü Botanic Garden of the Southern Federal University/Ботанический сад Южного Федерального университет

ü Botanic Garden of Tver State University

ü Botanical Garden Checheno-Ingush Pedagogic Institute

ü Botanical Garden of Adiygeja State University/Ботанический сад Адыгейского госуниверситета

ü Botanical Garden of Belgorod State University

ü Botanical Garden of Chelyabinsk State University/Ботанический сад Челябинского г. унив.

ü Botanical Garden of I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

ü Botanical Garden of Irkutsk State University/Ботанический сад Иркутский госуниверситет

ü Botanical Garden of Kabardino-Balkars State University

ü Botanical Garden of Kursk State Medical Institute

ü Botanical Garden of Nizhny Novgorod State University/Ботанический сад Нижегородского г. унив.

ü Botanical Garden of Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy

ü Botanical Garden of Solovetzkiy

ü Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg State University/Ботанический сад СПбГУ

ü Botanical Garden of the Forest Institute

ü Botanical Garden of the V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute/Ботанический институт им. В.Л.Комарова

ü Botanical Garden of Udmurtija State University/Ботанический сад Удмуртский госуниверситет

ü Botanical Garden of Volgograd State Pedagogical University

ü Botanical Garden, VILAR/Институт лекарственных и ароматических растений

ü Botanical Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Science

ü Botanical Garden-Institute of the Volga State Technological University /Ботанический сад Марийск

ü Botanical Garden-Institute, Ufa Research Center/Ботанического сада-института УНЦ РАН

ü Botanicheskiy Sad Imeni Professora A. g. Genkelya Pgu

ü Botanicheskiy sad, Samara University

ü Central Siberian Botanical Garden/Центральный сибирский ботаническй сад СО РАН

ü Cheboksary Botanical Garden

ü Dendropark of the Northern Research Institute of Forestry

ü Gorno-Altai Botanical Garden

ü Immanuil Kant State University Botanical Garden

ü Kazan Zoobotanic Garden

ü Main Botanical Garden, Russian Academy of Science

ü Mordovskaya State University Botanical Garden

ü Moscow State University Botanical Garden

ü Mountain Botanical Garden of the Dagestan Scientific Centre

ü Novosibirsk Dendropark

ü Sakhalin Botanical Garden

ü Saratov State University Botanic Garden

ü Siberian Botanical Garden of Tomsk State University

ü Stavropol Botanical Garden

ü The B.M. Kozo-Polyansky Botanical Garden of Voronezh State University

ü The Botanical Garden

ü The Botanical Garden of the Biological Institute

ü The Far East Science Research Institute of Forest Administration Arboretum

ü Trans-Baikal Botanical Garden

ü Tree-nursery of Moscow State Forest University

ü Ural State University Botanical Garden

ü Volgograd Botanical Garden

ü Yakut Botanical Garden

Serbia and Montenegro (塞尔维亚和黑山)

ü Jevremovac botanical garden

Slovakia (斯洛伐克)

ü Agricultural University of Nitra Botanic Garden

ü Arborétum Borová hora

ü Arboretum Mlyňany SAS

ü Botanicka Zahrada

ü Botanická záhrada - Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Safárika

ü Comenius University Botanic Garden

ü Comenius University Faculty of Pharmacy, Garden of Medicinal Plants

ü Expozícia tatranskej prírody

ü Lesnicke arboretum Kysihybel

ü Stredná lesnícka skola Jozefa Dekreta Matejovie

Slovenia (斯洛文尼亚)

ü Arboretum Volcji Potok

ü Institut Za HMeljarstvo

ü Juliana Alpine Botanical Garden

ü Ljubljana University Botanic Garden

ü Maribor University Botanic Garden

Spain (西班牙)

ü El Jardí Botànic - Arborètum P. Font i Quer de Lleida, Parc Científic i Tecnològic Agroalimentari de Lleida

ü El Jardín Botánico de Oasis Park Fuerteventura

ü Fundación Sales Xardín Arboretum

ü Jardí Botànic de Barcelona

ü Jardí Botànic de la Universitat de València

ü Jardí Botànic de Sóller

ü Jardí Botànic Marimurtra

ü Jardín Botánico Atlántico de Gijón

ü Jardín Botánico de Bilbao

ü Jardín Botánico de Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete

ü Jardín Botánico de Iturraran Lorategi Botanikoa

ü Jardín Botánico Detunda-Cueva de Nerja

ü Jardín Botánico Dunas del Odiel

ü Jardín Botánico El Albardinal

ü Jardín Botánico El Aljibe

ü Jardín Botánico El Castillejo

ü Jardín Botánico El Robledo

ü Jardín Botánico Hoya de Pedraza

ü Jardín Botánico La Cortijuela

ü Jardín Botánico San Fernando

ü Jardín Botánico Torre del Vinagre

ü Jardín Botánico Umbría de la Virgen

ü Jardín Botánico Universitario de Sierra Nevada

ü Jardín Botánico Viera y Clavijo, , Tafira Alta, Gran Canaria

ü Jardín Botánico, Estación Biológica Torretes, Alicant

ü Jardín Botánico-Historico La Concepción de Malaga

ü Jardín de Aclimatacion “Pinya de Rosa”

ü Jardín de Aclimatacion de la Orotava

ü Jardín Micológico La Trufa

ü Real Jardín Botánico Juan Carlos, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares

ü Real Jardin Botanico, Madrid

ü Xardín Botánico da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Sweden (瑞典)

ü Alnarp Park Arboretum

ü Arboretum Norr

ü Bergius Botanic Garden

ü Botanic Garden Haga Tradgard

ü Botanic Garden, Lund University

ü Fredriksdal Museums and Gardens

ü G?teborg Botanical Garden

ü The Linnaean Gardens of Uppsala

Switzerland (瑞士)

ü Alpine Garden “Flore-Alpe”

ü Arboretum of Aubonne

ü Bern Botanical Garden

ü Botanical Garden of the University of Basel

ü Botanischer Garten der Stadt St. Gallen

ü Botanischer Garten Universit?t Zürich

ü Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève

ü Eidgenossische Forschunganstalt fur Pflanzenbau

ü Garten zur Katze

ü Grüningen Botanical Garden

ü Jardin alpin “La Thomasia”

ü Jardin Alpin de la Commune de Meyrin

ü Jardin Alpin La Rambertia “Rochers-de-Naye”

ü Jardin Botanique de l’Université de Fribourg

ü Jardin Botanique de l’Université de Neuchatel

ü Jardin Botanique de St Triphon

ü Jardin botanique du Canton du Jura

ü Merian Park, Botanischer Garten in Brüglingen AG

ü Papiliorama Nocturama Tropical Gardens

ü Parco botanico del Gambarogno

ü Schynige Platte Alpine Garden

ü Station de botanique experimentale

ü Sukkulenten-Sammlung Zurich

Ukraine (乌克兰)

ü Arboretum ‘Veseli Bokovenki’

ü Botanic Garden of the М. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany

ü Botanic Garden, Institute of Agriculture Kharkov

ü Botanical Garden of the Pedagogical Institute- Kherson

ü Botanical Garden of the University of Odessa

ü Carpathian Forest Research Station

ü Catalogue of Medicinal Plants of Ukrainian Botanic Gardens and Parks

ü Children's Botanical Garden

ü Dendrological Park "Trostyanets"

ü Dendropark of Technical College of Forestry

ü Dnepropetrovsk National University Botanic Garden

ü Dniepropetrovsk Botanic Garden

ü Donetsk Botanical Garden

ü Jurij Fedkovich National University Botanic Garden

ü Kharkiv National University Botanic Garden

ü Krivorozhskiy Botanical Garden of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences

ü Lviv University Botanical Garden

ü M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden

ü National Dendrological Park "Sofiyivka" NAS of Ukraine

ü National Forestry University of Ukraine Botanic Garden

ü O.V. Fomin Botanical Garden

ü State Nikita Botanical Gardens

ü The Botanical Garden at Khorostkov

ü The Botanical Garden of Podolensis

ü The Botanical Garden of the Agricultural Institute

ü The Botanical Garden of the Pedagogical Institute- Cherkasy

ü The Botanical Garden of the Pedagogical Institute- Nezhin

ü The Botanical Garden Uzhgorod University

ü The State Dendrological Park “Alexandria”, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences

ü The State University Botanical Garden

ü Ukrainian Agricultural Academy

United Kingdom (英国)

ü Auchgourish Botanic Garden

ü Batsford Arboretum

ü Bedgebury National Pinetum and Forest

ü Birmingham Botanical Gardens and Glasshouses

ü Cambridge University Botanic Garden

ü Chelsea Physic Garden

ü Cruickshank Botanic Garden, University of Aberdeen

ü Durham University Botanic Garden

ü Glasgow Botanic Gardens

ü Harris Garden, University of Reading

ü Howick Arboretum

ü Mottisfont Abbey Garden

ü National Botanic Garden of Wales

ü Ness Botanic Gardens, University of Liverpool

ü Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

ü Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

ü Royal Horticultural Society Garden, Wisley

ü Sheffield Botanical Gardens

ü South London Botanical Institute

ü St. Andrews Botanic Garden

ü Swansea University Botanical Garden

ü The Eden Project

ü The Lovell Quinta Arboretum, Tatton Garden Society

ü The Sir Harold Hillier Gardens

ü Treborth Botanic Garden

ü University of Bristol Botanic Garden

ü University of Dundee Botanic Garden

ü University of Oxford Botanic Garden and Harcourt Arboretum

ü Ventnor Botanic Garden

ü Wentworth Castle Gardens

ü Westonbirt Arboretum

ü Westonbirt, The National Arboretum

ü Winkworth Arboretum

ü Winterborne Botanic Garden, University of Birmingham

ü Logan Botanic Garden, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

ü Benmore Botanic Garden, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

ü Dawyck Botanic Garden, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

ü Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Wakehurst

North America北美,506

Anguilla (安圭拉岛)

ü The Threatened and Endangered Species Garden

Antigua and Barbuda (安提瓜和巴布达)

ü Antigua Botanic Gardens

Bahamas (巴哈马群岛)

ü Nassau Botanical Gardens

ü The Retreat Garden

Barbados (巴巴多斯岛)

ü Andromeda Botanic Gardens

ü Farley Hill National Park

ü Flower Forest

Belize (伯利兹)

ü Belize Botanic Gardens

Bermuda (百慕大群岛)

ü Bermuda Botanical Gardens

Canada (加拿大)

ü Acadia University Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens

ü Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens

ü Arboretum at the University of Guelph

ü Arboretum of the University of Toronto at Mississauga

ü Boreal Botanic Garden

ü Calgary Zoo, Botanical Garden & Prehistoric Park

ü Cedar Valley Arboretum & Botanic Gardens

ü Fredericton Botanic Garden

ü George Pegg Botanic Garden

ü Greenhouse of Carleton University

ü Humber Arboretum

ü Jardin Kingsbrae Garden

ü Joan of Arc Garden

ü Memorial University Botanical Garden

ü Milner Gardens and Woodland

ü Montreal Botanical Garden

ü Morgan Arboretum

ü Native Plant Garden, Royal British Columbia Museum

ü New Brunswick Botanical Garden

ü Niagara College Arboretum and Greenhouse

ü Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens

ü Olds College Botanic Garden

ü Parc Marie-Victorin

ü Parkwood National Historic Site

ü Patterson Gardens (Patterson Gardens Arboretum)

ü Riverview Horticultural Centre Society

ü Riverwood Conservancy

ü Roger-Van den Hende Botanic Garden

ü Royal Botanical Gardens, Ontario

ü Royal Roads University Botanical Gardens

ü Rutherford Conservatory and Gardens

ü Sherwood Fox Arboretum

ü Simon Fraser University Arboretum

ü Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden

ü Tofino Botanical Gardens

ü Toronto Botanical Garden

ü Trochu Arboretum & Gardens

ü University of Alberta Botanic Garden

ü University of British Columbia Botanical Garden

ü University of Guelph Arboretum

ü University of Guelph Campus Arboretum

ü University of Toronto Botany Greenhouse and Botanical Garden

ü University of Waterloo Botanical Garden and Arboretum

ü VanDusen Botanical Garden

ü Walker Botanic Garden

Cayman Islands (开曼群岛)

ü Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park

Costa Rica (哥斯达黎加)

ü Arboretum Leslie R.Holdridge

ü Else Kientzler Botanical Garden

ü Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad

ü Jardín Botánico Lankester

ü Jardín Etnobotánico Dominga

Cuba (古巴)

ü Estacion Experimental de Plantas Medicinales "Dr. Juan T. Roig"

ü Jardin Botanico "Cupaynicu"

ü Jardin Botanico de Cienfuegos

ü Jardin Botanico de Holguin

ü Jardin Botanico de Las Tunas

ü Jardin Botanico de Matanzas

ü Jardín Botánico de Villa Clara

ü Jardin Botanico Nacional de Cuba

ü Jardin Botanico Sancti Spiritus

ü Jardin de Helechos

ü Soroa Orchid Garden

Dominican Republic (多米尼加)

ü Jardin Botanico Nacional "Dr. Rafael M. Moscoso"

El Salvador (萨尔瓦多)

ü Asociación Jardin Botanico La Laguna

Grenada (格林纳达)

ü Botanic Gardens of Grenada

Guatemala (危地马拉)

ü Jardin Botanico Nacional

ü Jardin Botanico, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Haiti (海地)

ü Les Cayes Botanical Garden

Honduras (洪都拉斯)

ü El Arboretum Zamorano, Escuela Agricola Panamericana

ü Jardin Botanico Municipal Perez Estrada

ü Lancetilla Botanic Garden & Research Center

Jamaica (牙买加)

ü Bath Botanical Garden

ü Castleton Botanical Garden

ü Cinchona Botanical Garden

ü Hope Botanical Gardens and Zoo

ü National Arboretum Foundation

Martinique (马提尼克岛)

ü Jardin de Balata

Mexico (墨西哥)

ü Asociacion Mexicana de Orquideologia A.C.

ü Ecojardin del CIEco

ü FES Iztacala Banco de Semillas

ü Jardín Agrobotánico de la Península de Yucatán (JAPY)

ü Jardin Botanico - Dr. Alfredo Barrera Marin

ü Jardin Botanico "Ing. Gustavo Aguirre Benavides"

ü Jardin Botanico Benjamin F. Johnston

ü Jardin Botanico Culiacán

ü Jardín Botánico de Acapulco

ü Jardín Botánico de Ciceana

ü Jardín botánico de Fundación Xochitla, A.C.

ü Jardín Botánico de la UMAR

ü Jardin Botanico de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero

ü Jardin Botanico de Tizatlan

ü Jardin Botanico del Acuario de Mazatlan

ü Jardin Botanico del Instituto de Biologia (UNAM)

ü Jardin Botanico Dr. Faustino Miranda

ü Jardin Botanico El Charco del Ingenio

ü Jardín Botánico Estatal “Toka, naturaleza y cultura”

ü Jardín Botánico Francisco Javier Clavijero

ü Jardín Botánico ISIMA-UJED

ü Jardin Botanico Jorge Victor Eller T. de la Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara

ü Jardin Botanico Ollintepetl

ü Jardin Botánico Regional De Cadereyta

ü Jardin Botanico Regional de Oaxaca

ü Jardin Botanico Regional del CICY

ü Jardin Botanico Universitario de la

ü Jardín Botánico Universitario de la BUAP

ü Jardin Botanico y Arboreta de Alta Cima

ü Jardin Botanico, Facultad de Ciencias Agronòmicas, UNACH

ü Jardin Botanico-Jerzy Rzedowski Rotter

ü Jardin Botanico-Rey Netzahualcoyotl

ü Jardín Etnobotánico de Oaxaca

ü Jardín Etnobotánico Tzapoteca "Dra Helia Bravo Hollis"

ü Jardin Etnobotanico y Museo de Medicina Tradicional y Herbolaria

ü Jardin Etnobotanico-Francisco Pelaez R.

ü Vallarta Botanical Gardens, A. C.

Nicaragua (尼加拉瓜)

ü Jardin Botánico Ambiental

Puerto Rico (波多黎各)

ü Jardín Botánico de San Juan

ü Montoso Gardens

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (圣文森特和格林纳丁斯)

ü Botanic Gardens St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Trinidad and Tobago (特立尼达和多巴哥)

ü Royal Botanic Gardens of Trinidad and Tobago

ü Scarborough Botanical Garden

United States (美国)

ü ABQ BioPark Botanic Garden

ü Adkins Arboretum

ü Alaska Botanical Garden

ü Alice Moody Chapin Arboretum

ü Allegheny Arboretum At Indiana University Of Pennsylvania

ü Alta Vista Gardens

ü Ambler Arboretum of Temple University

ü American University Arboretum & Gardens

ü Andrews University Campus Arboretum

ü Arbor Lodge State Historical Park Arboretum

ü Arboretum at Adelphi University

ü Arboretum at Arizona State University

ü Arboretum at California State University, Fresno

ü Arboretum at California University of Pennsylvania

ü Arboretum at Flagstaff

ü Arboretum at Johnston Community College

ü Arboretum at Kutztown University

ü Arboretum at Penn State Erie

ü Arboretum at Regis University

ü Arboretum of Barnes Foundation

ü Arboretum of Haywood Community College

ü Atlanta BeltLine Arboretum

ü Atlanta Botanical Garden

ü Awbury Arboretum

ü Bailey Arboretum

ü Baker Arboretum

ü Bard College Arboretum

ü Bartlett Arboretum & Gardens

ü Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories Arboretum

ü Barton Arboretum and Nature Preserve at Medford Leas

ü Bartram's Garden

ü Basalt Midland Arboretum

ü Bayard Cutting Arboretum

ü Bellevue Botanical Garden

ü Bellingrath Gardens and Home

ü Berkshire Botanical Garden

ü Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest

ü Betty Ford Alpine Gardens

ü Bickelhaupt Arboretum

ü Biological Sciences Greenhouse Facility

ü Birmingham Botanical Gardens

ü Block Botanical Gardens

ü Boerner Botanical Gardens

ü Boone County Arboretum

ü Botanic Garden of Smith College

ü Botanic Gardens at Kona Kai Resort

ü Botanic Gardens of the Heard Natural Science Museum

ü Botanical Garden of the Ozarks

ü Botanical Gardens at Asheville

ü Boyce Thompson Arboretum

ü Brooklyn Botanic Garden

ü Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens

ü C. M. Goethe Arboretum

ü California State Northridge Botanic Garden

ü Cape Fear Botanical Garden

ü Carleen Bright Arboretum

ü Cedar Valley Arboretum & Botanic Gardens

ü Centennial Museum and Chihuahuan Desert Gardens

ü Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens

ü Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Center

ü Chatham University Arboretum

ü Cheekwood Botanical Garden

ü Chester M. Alter Arboretum

ü Cheyenne Botanic Gardens

ü Chicago Botanic Garden

ü Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center & Botanical Gardens

ü Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens

ü Clark Botanic Garden

ü Clovis Botanical Garden

ü Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens

ü Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens

ü Community Arboretum at Virginia Western Community College

ü Connecticut College Arboretum

ü Core Arboretum, West Virginia University

ü Cornell Botanic Gardens

ü Cox Arboretum and Gardens

ü Crosby Arboretum

ü D. T. Fleming Arboretum at Pu'u Mahoe

ü Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden

ü Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden

ü David C. Shaw Arboretum at Holmdel Park

ü Davidson College Arboretum

ü Dawes Arboretum

ü Delaware Botanic Gardens At Pepper Creek

ü Denver Botanic Gardens

ü Descanso Gardens

ü Desert Botanical Garden

ü Donald E. Davis Arboretum

ü Dothan Area Botanical Gardens

ü Dubuque Arboretum

ü Dunsmuir Botanical Gardens

ü Durango Botanic Gardens

ü Dyck Arboretum of the Plains

ü Earl G. Maxwell Arboretum

ü Eddy Arboretum, Pacific Southwest Research Station

ü Edith J. Carrier Arboretum at James Madison University

ü EEB Greenhouses, University of Connecticut

ü Elisabeth C. Miller Botanical Garden

ü Elmhurst College Arboretum

ü Environmental Horticulture Center Botanic Gardens

ü Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden

ü Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden

ü Fell Arboretum, Illinois State University

ü Fernwood Botanical Garden and Nature Preserve

ü Flamingo Gardens

ü Florida Botanical Gardens

ü Florida Institute of Technology Botanical Garden

ü Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory

ü Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens

ü Frelinghuysen Arboretum

ü Friends of the Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens

ü Friendship Botanic Gardens

ü Fullerton Arboretum

ü Georgeson Botanical Garden

ü Georgia Southern Botanical Garden

ü Goodell Gardens & Homestead

ü Graver Arboretum

ü Greater Des Moines Botanical Center

ü Green Bay Botanical Garden

ü GSU Perimeter College Botanical Garden

ü Hana Maui Botanical Gardens

ü Haverford College Arboretum

ü Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden

ü Hayes Arboretum

ü Heathcote Botanical Gardens

ü Heber W. Youngken Jr. Medicinal Garden

ü Henry Schmieder Arboretum of Delaware Valley University

ü Herrick Conservatory and Kent State University Campus

ü Highlands Botanical Garden

ü Highstead Arboretum

ü Hilltop Garden & Nature Center at Indiana University

ü Hofstra Grounds and Arboretum

ü Holden Forest & Gardens

ü Honolulu Botanical Gardens

ü Houston Arboretum & Nature Center

ü Houston Botanic Garden

ü Howard Peters Rawlings Conservatory and Botanic Gardens

ü Hoyt Arboretum

ü Humboldt Botanical Garden

ü Huntington Botanical Gardens

ü Huntsville Botanical Garden

ü Idaho Botanical Garden

ü International Larix Arboretum

ü Iowa Arboretum

ü JC Raulston Arboretum

ü Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens

ü Jensen-Olson Arboretum

ü John A. Finch Arboretum

ü John C. Gifford Arboretum

ü John R. Rodman Arboretum

ü Juniper Level Botanic Gardens

ü Kanapaha Botanical Gardens

ü Kansas Landscape Arboretum

ü Kansas State University Gardens

ü Key West Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden

ü Klehm Arboretum & Botanic Garden

ü Knoxville Botanical Garden and Arboretum

ü Kruckeberg Botanic Garden

ü Kula Botanical Garden

ü Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

ü Lake Erie Arboretum at Frontier Park

ü Lake Wilderness Arboretum

ü Land and Garden Preserve

ü Landis Arboretum

ü Latin American Ethnobotanical Garden

ü Leach Botanical Garden

ü Leaning Pine Arboretum

ü Leila Arboretum

ü Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden

ü Linnaeus Arboretum

ü Liu Post Community Arboretum

ü Lockerly Arboretum

ü Longwood Gardens

ü Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden

ü Los Angeles Zoo & Botanical Gardens

ü Louisiana State Arboretum

ü LSU Hilltop Arboretum

ü Luthy Memorial Botanical Garden

ü Lynn R. Lowrey Arboretum

ü Lyon Arboretum

ü Lyon Arboretum

ü Mabery Gelvin Botanical Gardens

ü Magnolia Plantation and Gardens

ü Mariana H. Qubein Arboretum & Botanical Gardens at High Point University

ü Marie Selby Botanical Gardens

ü Markham Nature Park & Arboretum

ü Marsh Botanic Gardens at Yale University

ü Marywood University Arboretum

ü Matthaei Botanical Gardens & Nichols Arboretum

ü Maui Nui Botanical Gardens

ü Maynard W. Quimby Medicinal Plant Garden

ü McAllen Botanical Gardens

ü McCrory Gardens

ü McKee Botanical Garden

ü Mead Botanical Garden

ü Meadow Lakes - The Robert A. Winters Arboretum

ü Meadowlark Botanical Gardens

ü Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens

ü Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens

ü Mepkin Abbey Botanical Garden

ü Mesker Park Zoo and Botanic Garden

ü Miami Beach Botanical Garden

ü Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden

ü Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

ü Missouri Botanical Garden

ü Mizzou Botanic Garden

ü Mobile Botanical Gardens

ü Montgomery Botanical Center

ü Montgomery Botanical Gardens At Oak Park

ü Montrose Botanic Gardens

ü Moore Farms Botanical Garden

ü Morris Arboretum

ü Mount Holyoke College Botanic Garden

ü Mount Pisgah Arboretum

ü Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center

ü Mountain Top Arboretum

ü Mountain Top Arboretum

ü Mounts Botanical Garden

ü Mt. Cuba Center

ü Myriad Botanical Gardens

ü Na’Aina Kai Botanical Gardens & Sculpture Park

ü Naples Botanical Garden

ü National Tropical Botanical Garden

ü Native Plant Center

ü Navajo Nation Zoological and Botanical Park

ü Nebraska Statewide Arboretum

ü New Jersey State Botanical Garden

ü New Orleans Botanical Garden

ü New York Botanical Garden

ü Niguel Botanical Preserve

ü Norfolk Botanical Garden

ü North American Orchid Conservation Center

ü North Carolina Arboretum

ü North Carolina Botanical Garden

ü Northland Arboretum

ü Ogden Botanical Gardens

ü Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Gardens

ü Oklahoma State University Botanical Garden

ü Olbrich Botanical Gardens

ü Oroville Botanic Garden and Cultural Center

ü OSU Research Forests

ü Overland Park Arboretum and Botanical Gardens

ü Palomar College Arboretum

ü Paul J. Ciener Botanical Garden

ü Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens

ü Penn State Horticulture Trial Gardens

ü Penn State Mont Alto Arboretum

ü Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens

ü Pine Hollow Arboretum

ü Pittsburgh Botanic Garden

ü Princeville Botanical Gardens

ü Quad City Botanical Center

ü Quarryhill Botanical Garden

ü Queens Botanical Garden

ü Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden

ü Reading Public Museum and Arboretum

ü Red Butte Garden and Arboretum

ü Reeves-Reed Arboretum

ü Regenerations International Botanical Garden

ü Regional Parks Botanic Garden

ü Reiman Gardens, Iowa State University

ü Reynolda Gardens of Wake Forest University

ü Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden

ü Rio Grande Botanic Garden

ü Rodef Shalom Biblical Botanical Garden

ü Rogerson Clematis Garden

ü Rogue Community College Arboretum

ü Rotary Botanical Gardens

ü Rowe Arboretum

ü Rutgers Gardens

ü Salisbury University Arboretum

ü Salisbury University Arboretum

ü San Antonio Botanical Gardens

ü San Diego Botanic Garden

ü San Francisco Botanical Garden

ü San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers

ü San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden

ü Sandhills Horticultural Gardens

ü Sanibel Moorings Gardens

ü Santa Barbara Botanic Garden

ü Santa Fe Botanical Garden

ü Santa Ynez Valley Botanic Garden

ü Sawtooth Botanical Garden

ü Schedel Arboretum & Gardens

ü Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College

ü Secrest Arboretum

ü SFA Mast Arboretum

ü Shambhala Botanic Gardens

ü Shangri La Botanical Gardens & Nature Center

ü SI-Botany Research Greenhouse

ü Sister Mary Grace Burns Arboretum

ü Slayton Arboretum

ü Smith-Gilbert Gardens

ü Smithsonian Gardens

ü Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden

ü South Bay Botanic Gardens

ü South Carolina Botanical Garden

ü South Coast Botanic Garden

ü Spartanburg Community College Arboretum

ü Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum

ü Starhill Forest Arboretum

ü State Arboretum of Virginia

ü State Botanical Garden of Georgia

ü State of Missouri Arboretum

ü Streissguth Gardens

ü Sunshine Farm and Gardens

ü Taylor Arboretum at Widener University

ü Teton Botanical Garden

ü The Arboretum, State Botanical Garden of Kentucky

ü The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University

ü The Brenton Arboretum

ü The Coover Arboretum

ü The Morton Arboretum

ü The Polly Hill Arboretum

ü The Robert A. Winters Arboretum at Meadow Lakes

ü The Rose Garden at Mesa Community College

ü The UC Santa Cruz Arboretum & Botanic Garden

ü Thielke Arboretum of Glen Rock

ü Tizer Botanic Gardens and Arboretum

ü Tower Hill Botanic Garden

ü Tucson Botanical Gardens

ü Tulsa Botanical Garden

ü Tyler Arboretum

ü U.S. National Arboretum

ü UC Davis Arboretum

ü UCB Ecological and Evolutionary Biology Greenhouse

ü Unbelievable Acres Botanic Gardens

ü United States Botanic Garden

ü United States National Arboretum

ü University of Alabama Arboretum

ü University of Arizona Campus Arboretum

ü University of Arkansas Fort Smith Arboretum

ü University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley

ü University of California Irvine Arboretum

ü University of California Riverside Botanic Gardens

ü University of Central Florida Arboretum

ü University of Chicago Botanic Garden

ü University of Delaware Botanic Gardens

ü University of Florida Wilmot Gardens

ü University of Idaho Arboretum & Botanical Garden

ü University of Illinois Arboretum

ü University of Maine Fay Hyland Botanical Garden

ü University of Maryland Arboretum & Botanical Garden

ü University of Nebraska Lincoln Botanical Garden & Arboretum

ü University of Nevada Las Vegas Arboretum

ü University of Nevada Reno University Arboretum

ü University of North Carolina Charlotte Botanical Gardens

ü University of Rochester Arboretum

ü University of South Florida Botanical Gardens

ü University of Southern Maine Arboretum

ü University of Tennessee Gardens

ü University of Washington Botanic Gardens

ü University of Washington Medicinal Herb Garden

ü University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum

ü Utah State University Botanical Center

ü Ventura Botanical Gardens

ü Viles Arboretum

ü W. J. Beal Botanical Garden

ü Waddell Barnes Botanical Gardens

ü Water Conservation Garden

ü Webster Arboretum

ü Wegerzyn Gardens MetroPark

ü Wellesley College Botanic Gardens

ü Wellesley College Botanic Gardens

ü Wellfield Botanic Gardens

ü West Virginia Botanic Garden

ü Western Colorado Botanical Gardens

ü Western Kentucky Botanical Garden

ü Wilbur D. May Arboretum & Botanical Garden

ü Williamsburg Botanical Garden

ü Willowwood Arboretum

ü Willowwood Arboretum

ü WRAL Azalea Gardens

ü Yew Dell Botanical Gardens

Virgin Islands (英属维尔京群岛)

ü Joseph Reynold O'Neal Botanic Gardens

ü St. George Village Botanic Garden

ü Water Isle Botanical Garden

South America南美,173

Argentina (阿根廷)

ü Arboretum De La Facultad De Agronomía Y Zootacnia, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán

ü Arboretum Grigadale

ü Jardín Agrobotánico De Santa Catalina

ü Jardín Botánico "Arturo E. Ragonese"

ü Jardín Botánico Aníbal Oscar Carnevalini (Ca'a pora')

ü Jardín Botánico Cascada Escondida

ü Jardín Botánico De Altura

ü Jardín Botánico De Bahía Blanca

ü Jardín Botánico De Chacras De Coria

ü Jardín Botánico De Ciencias Agropecuarias

ü Jardín Botánico De Córdoba

ü Jardín Botánico De La Ciudad De Buenos Aires Carlos Thays

ü Jardín Botánico De La Fundación Miguel Lillo

ü Jardín Botánico De La Patagonia Extraandina

ü Jardín Botánico De La Universidad Nacional De San Luis

ü Jardín Botánico De La Universidad San Pablo Tucumán (USP-T)

ü Jardín Botánico Delárido Patagonico

ü Jardín Botánico Edgardo N. Orfila

ü Jardín Botánico El Pantanillo

ü Jardín Botánico Gaspar Xuarez SJ

ü Jardín Botánico Lorenzo R. Parodi

ü Jardín Botánico Lucien Hauman

ü Jardín Botánico Municipal De San Carlos Centro

ü Jardín Botánico Municipal YVY Porá

ü Jardín Botánico Oro Verde

ü Jardín Botánico Pillahuincó

ü Jardín Botánico Provincial De La Pampa

ü Jardín Botánico Selvamisionera

ü Jardín Botánico Y Arboretum Carlos Spegazzin

ü Jardín Didáctico De Especies Nativas

Bolivia (玻利维亚)

ü Jardin Botanico "La Paz"

ü Jardin Botanico de Santa Cruz

ü Jardin Botanico 'Martin Cardenas'

ü Jardin Botanico Purani Churiquimbaya (Sorata)

Brazil (巴西)

ü Botanical Garden Foundation of Pocos de Caldas

ü Botanical Garden of the UFRJ National Museum

ü Instituto De Pesquisas Jardim Botanico Do Rio De Janeiro

ü Jardim Botanico Amália Hermano Teixeira

ü Jardim Botanico Benjamim Maranh?o

ü Jardim Botanico da Cidade do Recife

ü Jardim Botanico da Fundacao ZooBotanica De Belo Horizonte

ü Jardim Botanico da Funda??o Zoobotanica do Rio Grande do Sul

ü Jardim Botanico da Universidade Federal Rural University

ü Jardim Botanico da Universidade Univille

ü Jardim Botanico de Brasilia

ü Jardim Botanico de Caxias do Sul

ü Jardim Botanico de Jundiaí - Valmor de Souza

ü Jardim Botanico de Londrina

ü Jardim Botanico de Manaus Adolpho Ducke

ü Jardim Botanico de Mato Grosso

ü Jardim Botanico de Niteroi

ü Jardim Botanico de Paulinia

ü Jardim Botanico de Pipa

ü Jardim Botanico de Salvador

ü Jardim Botanico de S?o Paulo

ü Jardim Botanico do Instituto Agronomico De Campinas

ü Jardim Botanico do Instituto de Biociências da UNESP- Botucatu

ü Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro

ü Jardim Botanico Inhotim

ü Jardim Botanico Municipal De Bauru

ü Jardim Botanico Municipal de Santos "Chico Mendes"

ü Jardim Botanico Municipal de S?o José

ü Jardim Botanico Municipal Francisca Maria Garfunkel Rischbieter

ü Jardim Botanico Plantarum (JBP)

ü Jardim Zoobotanico Municipal de Franca

ü Lajeado Botanic Gardens

ü Museu De Biologia Prof. Mello Leit?o

ü Museu De Historia Natural E Jardim Botanico Da Ufmg

ü Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MG)

ü Native Plant Experimental Garden

ü Neotropicum Botanical Gardens

ü Parque Botanico do Ceará

ü Parque Zoobotanico Getulio Vargas

ü Parque Zoobotanico Orquidario Municipal de Santos

ü Santa Maria Federal University Botanic Gardens

ü The Francisca Maria Garfunkel Rischbieter Municipal Botanical Garden

ü Zoo-Botanic Foundation of Belo Horizonte

ü Arboretum Antumapu

ü Arboretum De Valdivia

ü Arboretum Frutillar

Chile (智利)

ü Arboretum, Institute of Silviculture, Forestry Faculty

ü Botanic Garden of Talca University

ü Department of Forestry, Arboretum Rinconada

ü Jardan Botanico UACH

ü Jardin Botanico "Carl Skottsberg"

ü Jardin Botanico Chagual

ü Jardin Botanico Nacional

ü Jardin Botanico Universidad de Talca

ü Jardin Botanico, Instituto de Botanica

ü Parque & Jardin Botanico de Coronel (Coronel Botanical Garden Park)

ü Parque Botanico Hualpen (Hualpen Botanical Park)

ü Parque Etnobotánico Omora (Omora Ethnobotanical Park)

Colombia (哥伦比亚)

ü Fundación Jardín Etnobotánico Villa Ludovica (Ethnobotanical Garden Villa Ludovica Foundation)

ü Jardin Botanico "Alejandro von Humboldt"

ü Jardin Botanico "Guillermo Pineres"

ü Jardin Botanico "Joaquin Antonio Uribe" (Jardín Botánico de Medellín)

ü Jardin Botanico "Juan Maria Cespedes"

ü Jardin Botanico Alejandro Humboldt de Marsella, Risaralda

ü Jardin Botanico Costa del Pacifico

ü Jardin Botanico de Bogota Jose Celestino Mutis

ü Jardin Botanico de Cali

ü Jardin Botanico de Cordoba

ü Jardin Botanico de Fundación Universitaria de Popayan

ü Jardin Botanico de Jotaudo

ü Jardin Botanico de Palmira

ü Jardin Botanico de Plantas Medicinales

ü Jardin Botanico de Popayan

ü Jardin Botanico de San Andres

ü Jardin Botanico del Quindio

ü Jardin Botanico Eloy Valenzuela

ü Jardin Botanico Guillermo Pineres

ü Jardín Botánico Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino

ü Jardín Botánico San Jorge

ü Jardín Botánico Uniminuto

ü Jardin Botanico Universidad de Caldas

ü Jardin Botanico Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira

ü Jardin Botanico y Reserva Natural El Refugio Torremolinos (Botanical Garden and Natural Reserve El Refugio Torremolinos)

ü Parque Jardin Botanico de Neiva Bertha Hernandez de Ospina

Dominica (多米尼克)

ü Carib Territory Botanic Garden

ü Roseau Botanic Gardens (Dominica Botanic Garden)

ü Jardin Botanico “Reinaldo Espinosa”

ü Jardin Botanico Atocha-La Liria

Ecuador (厄瓜多尔)

ü Jardin Botanico de Guayaquil

ü Jardin Botanico de Portoviejo

ü Jardin Botanico de Quito

ü Jardin Botanico el Padmi

ü Jardin Botanico Hacienda Verde (Ethnobotanical Garden of Andean fruits)

ü Jardin Botanico Huertos La Macarena

ü Jardin Botanico Ishpingo

ü Jardin Botanico Jatun Sisa

ü Jardin Botanico Las Orquideas

ü Jardin Botanico Milpe

ü Jardin Botanico Padre Julio Marrero

ü Jardin Botanico Piatua

ü Jardin Botanico Reinaldo Espinosa

ü Jardin Botanico Tropical Mutile

ü Jardin Botanico Unorcac

ü Jardin Botanico Yachay

ü Jardin Tropical de Esmeraldas

ü Parque Etnobotanico Omaere

ü The UGA Latin American Ethnobotanical Garden

French Guiana (法属圭亚那)

ü Institut de Botanique de Cayenne

ü Jardin Botanique Municipal de Cayenne

Guadeloupe (瓜德罗普岛[法属])

ü Jardin Exotique du Fort Napoleon (Exotic Garden of Fort Napoleon)

Guyana (圭亚那)

ü Georgetown Botanical Gardens

Montserrat (蒙特塞拉特岛)

ü National Botanic Garden

Saint Kitts and Nevis (圣基茨岛和尼维斯)

ü Botanical Gardens of Nevis

Panama (巴拿马)

ü Finca Los Monos Botanical Garden (Botanical Garden Bocas Del Toro)

ü Jardin Botanico Summit

Paraguay (巴拉圭)

ü Jardin Botanico Y Zoologico de Asuncion (JBZA)

ü Jardin de Aclimatacion de FCQ

Peru (秘鲁)

ü Arboretum Jenaro Herrera

ü Jardin Botanico (Jardin Botanico de Tingo Maria)

ü Jardín botánico Andino Pitunilla

ü Jardin Botanico de Lima

ü Jardin Botanico del Parque de Las Leyendas (Parque de Las Leyendas)

ü Jardin Botanico Octavio Velarde

ü Jardin Botanico UNHEVAL

ü Jardín Etnobotánico Nugkui (Ethnobotanical Garden Nugkui)

ü Jardín Etnobotánico Pisaq (Pisac Ethnobotanical Garden)

ü Museo de Historia Natural "Javier Prado"

Suriname (苏里南)

ü Stichting Nationale Parken (Stichting Samenwerkingsverband Nationale Parken)

Uruguay (乌拉圭)

ü Museo y Jardin Botanico "Prof Atilio Lombardo"

Venezuela (委内瑞拉)

ü Fundacion Jardin Botanico del Orinoco

ü Fundacion Jardin Botanico Unellez

ü Jardin Botanico de Caracas

ü Jardin Botanico de la Universidad Central

ü Jardin Botanico de Maracaibo

ü Jardin Botánico de Mérida

ü Jardín Botánico Naguanagua y Herbario de Carabobo

ü Jardin Botanico San Juan de Lagunillas

ü Jardin Botanico Xerofitico de Coro

ü Jardin Botanico, Escuela de Agronomia

Oceania (大洋洲,131)

Austrilia (澳大利亚)

ü Albury Botanic Garden

ü Anderson Gardens (Townsville Botanic Gardens)

ü Araluen Botanic Park

ü Atherton Arboretum

ü Auburn Botanical Gardens

ü Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden

ü Australian Botanic Gardens Shepparton

ü Australian Inland Botanic Garden

ü Australian National Botanic Gardens

ü Ballarat Botanical Gardens

ü Benalla Botanical Gardens

ü Bendigo Botanic Gardens

ü Booderee Botanic Gardens

ü Botanic Gardens and Centennial Parklands

ü Botanic Gardens of South Australia

ü Brisbane Botanic Gardens

ü Bundaberg Botanic Gardens

ü Buninyong Botanic Gardens

ü Burnley Gardens

ü Burrendong Botanic Garden and Arboretum

ü Burringbar Botanic Gardens

ü Camperdown Botanic Gardens and Arboretum

ü Castlemaine Botanical Gardens

ü Colac Botanic Gardens

ü Cooktown Botanic Gardens

ü Coolgardie Arboretum

ü Currency Creek Arboretum

ü Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Arboretum

ü Dandenong Ranges Botanic Garden (previously National Rhododendron Garden)

ü Dubbo Regional Botanic Garden

ü Dunkeld Arboretum

ü E G Waterhouse National Camellia Gardens

ü East Gippsland Indigenous Plant Garden

ü Emerald Botanic Gardens

ü Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Gardens

ü Fairhill Native Plants & Botanic Gardens

ü Flecker Botanic Gardens (Cairns Botanic Gardens)

ü Geelong Botanic Gardens

ü George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens

ü George Pentland Botanic Gardens

ü George Tindale Memorial Gardens

ü Gisborne Botanic Gardens

ü Gold Coast Regional Botanic Gardens

ü Goondiwindi Botanic Gardens

ü Great Sandy Region Botanic Gardens (Harvey Bay Botanical Gardens)

ü Hamilton Botanic Gardens

ü Helms Arboretum

ü Horsham Botanic Gardens

ü Hunter Region Botanic Gardens

ü Ingham Memorial Botanical Gardens

ü Keilor Botanic Gardens

ü Kholo Botanic Gardens

ü Kings Park and Botanic Garden

ü Koroit Botanic Gardens

ü Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden

ü Kyneton Botanic Gardens

ü Lismore Rainforest Botanic Gardens

ü Lord Howe Island Botanic Garden

ü Mackay Regional Botanic Gardens

ü Maleny Botanic Gardens and Bird World

ü Malmsbury Botanical Gardens

ü Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Garden

ü Melton Botanic Garden

ü Mount Dandenong Arboretum

ü Myall Park Botanic Garden

ü National Arboretum Canberra

ü Noosa Botanic Gardens

ü Norfolk Island Botanic Gardens

ü North Coast Regional Botanic Garden

ü Olive Pink Botanic Garden

ü Orange Botanic Gardens

ü Penshurst Botanic Gardens

ü Peter Francis Points Arboretum

ü Phillips Botanical Gardens

ü Picton Botanical Gardens

ü Port Fairy Botanic Gardens

ü Portland Botanical Gardens

ü Queens Park and Botanic Gardens

ü Redcliffe Botanic Gardens

ü Rockhampton Botanic Gardens

ü Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria

ü Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens

ü Sale Botanic Gardens

ü Sherwood Arboretum

ü Shoalhaven Heads Native Botanic Garden

ü Southern Highlands Botanic Gardens

ü St Kilda Botanical Gardens

ü Stony Range Regional Botanic Gardens

ü Tamworth Regional Botanic Garden

ü Terowie Arid Lands Botanical Garden

ü The Botanical Ark

ü The Palmetum

ü The Tasmanian Arboretum

ü The University of Melbourne, The System Garden

ü Tondoon Botanic Gardens

ü Tweed Botanic Gardens

ü Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens

ü Waite Arboretum

ü Warrnambool Botanic Gardens

ü Williamstown Botanic Gardens

ü Wollongong Botanic Gardens

ü Wombat Hill Botanical Gardens

Fiji (斐济)

ü Savurua Botanical Gardens

ü The Botanical Gardens of the Universtiy of the South Pacific

ü Thurston Gardens ( Suva Botanical Gardens)

New Zealand (新西兰)

ü Auckland Botanic Gardens

ü Bason Botanic Gardens

ü Christchurch Botanic Gardens

ü Dunedin Botanic Garden

ü Eastwoodhill Arboretum

ü Hackfalls Arboretum

ü Massey University Arboretum and Gardens

ü Otari-Wilton's Bush Native Botanic Garden

ü Timaru Botanic Garden

ü Wellington Botanic Garden

Papua New Guinea (巴布亚新几内亚)

ü Lae National Botanical Gardens

ü Lipizauga Botanical Sanctuary

ü Port Moresby Nature Park

Samoa (萨摩亚群岛)

ü Vailima Botanical Garden Reserve

Solomon Islands (所罗门群岛)

ü Honiara Botanic Gardens

Vanuatu (瓦努阿图)

ü Rainbow Botanic Gardens

ü Botanic Gardens and Centennial Parklands(Blue Mountains Botanic Garden Mount Tomah)

ü Botanic Gardens and Centennial Parklands(The Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan)

ü Botanic Gardens and Centennial Parklands(The Royal Botanic Garden Sydney )

ü Botanic Gardens of South Australia(Adelaide Botanic Garden)

ü Botanic Gardens of South Australia(Mount Lofty Botanic Garden)

ü Botanic Gardens of South Australia(Wittunga Botanic Garden)

ü Brisbane Botanic Gardens(Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha)

ü Brisbane Botanic Gardens(City Botanic Gardens)

ü Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria(Cranbourne Gardens )

ü Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria(Melbourne Gardens)



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